🚨 Teen's College Dreams CRUSHED by Vindictive Teacher's Grade Sabotage!

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Diply | Diply

🎓 High school can be a wild ride, especially when you're trying to balance grades, extracurriculars, and college applications! 😅 One ambitious student had it all figured out: grind hard, get into a top college, and then kick back and relax. 😎 But when an AP Calc teacher threw a wrench in the plan, things got heated! 🔥 Buckle up, because this story is about to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions! 🎢

🎓 The Master Plan: Grind Now, Chill Later! 😎

dangerous-charity603 | dangerous-charity603

🏆 D1 Tennis Recruit = Guaranteed Admission? 🤔

dangerous-charity603 | dangerous-charity603

📉 Risky Business: Skating By with Bs 😬

dangerous-charity603 | dangerous-charity603

🚨 AP Calc Teacher Throws a Wrench in the Plan! 😡

dangerous-charity603 | dangerous-charity603

🏫 Taking It to the Top: Complaining to the Principal 🗣️

dangerous-charity603 | dangerous-charity603

🙌 Victory! Principal Sides with the Student 🎉

dangerous-charity603 | dangerous-charity603

😌 No Shame in Chilling After Getting Into College? 🤷‍♂️

dangerous-charity603 | dangerous-charity603

😱 Student vs. Teacher: The Ultimate Showdown! 🥊

In this epic battle of wits, our determined student 🎓 takes on the hardass AP Calc teacher 😠 who dared to change the rules of the game! 🎲 With college dreams on the line, the student takes the fight to the principal's office 🏫, hoping to secure their future. 🔮 The internet is abuzz with opinions 💬, some siding with the student's clever plan, while others question the ethics of coasting through senior year. 🤔 One thing's for sure: this story has all the makings of a classic high school drama! 🍿 Let's dive into the juicy details and see what the masses have to say about this academic showdown! 👀

Learning and grades both matter. Teacher was out of line. NTA 👏

SnooDoughnuts2846 | SnooDoughnuts2846

🤔 ESH - Teacher was wrong, but gaming the system won't work forever.

Himkano | Himkano

Sarcastic reply receives no response from comment section 🤷🏻‍♂️

SaltyPorpoise | SaltyPorpoise

Mixed opinions on teacher's grading. Importance of completing homework emphasized.

Boomgtd_ | Boomgtd_

Lazy student's actions forces teacher to change homework policy. #ESH

BosmangEdalyn | BosmangEdalyn

Don't let success get to your head, hard work pays off 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Student called out for expecting an easy pass in AP Calc 🙄

ISeeMusicInColor | ISeeMusicInColor

Harsh criticism for the teen's work ethic 🤪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Complaining about grade sabotage is NTA, but attitude criticized 😕

NeedleworkerSuch9895 | NeedleworkerSuch9895

A harsh comment calling OP an a**hole for being self-centered.

Studious_Noodle | Studious_Noodle

Grades changed & future gambled - both were immature moves 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Skipping finals with an A is fair game! 😎

justchillinghbu87 | justchillinghbu87

AP Calc's 'busywork' could be valuable in timed college exams ⏳

sonickay | sonickay

User defends teacher's grade adjustment, calls OP an AH. 🤢

MouseProud2040 | MouseProud2040

Senior slacking vs not doing the work - a lesson learned 💡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teacher calls out entitled student, threatens to ruin college dreams 👎

RomaAngel | RomaAngel

Do what you can be proud of, meet your contract 👏

Fun_Purpose_9996 | Fun_Purpose_9996

🤔 Commenter thinks the teacher is not at fault

shadow-foxe | shadow-foxe

User receives harsh judgement on entitlement and privilege 🙅

juuustwondering2 | juuustwondering2

Teacher's sabotage or just tough love? 🤔

teadreamz | teadreamz

👏 Standing up for yourself and analyzing results will carry you far in life. Damn the man! Rave on rave on!

tetrisOnATI83 | tetrisOnATI83

🤦‍♂️ ESH: Teacher was wrong, but blowing off schoolwork is stupid.

SockSock81219 | SockSock81219

College acceptance is conditional, relax over summer 🌴 NAH

IncreasePretend1393 | IncreasePretend1393

Principal supports student's actions against unfair teacher's grade changes 💪

DiogenesCantPlay | DiogenesCantPlay

🤨 Teacher unfairly punishes student for following the rules. NTA

nerddadddy | nerddadddy

Former university faculty advises student to have a contingency plan

4-ton-mantis | 4-ton-mantis

🚨 High school senior's 'why bother with busywork' attitude backfires. ESH.

sammers510 | sammers510

NTA for complaining, but learn instead of doing bare minimum 💪

JustBrowsing49 | JustBrowsing49

Teacher sabotages student's grade, commenter sides with student's NTA

cmonmaan | cmonmaan

Defending NTA's grade sabotage, school measures obedience not skills 🤷🏾‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

🤔 Some students can still learn without doing homework. #NTA

Imnotawerewolf | Imnotawerewolf

Navigating the fine line between taking it easy and bad form.

IHaveSaidMyPiece | IHaveSaidMyPiece

Harsh response calls out student's entitlement 🤔🎾

I-dream-of-stars | I-dream-of-stars

👏 NTA for not wanting to do assignments and reporting the teacher's grade sabotage. Clear explanation of the situation and excellent point about the value of high school.

Adonis-DOH | Adonis-DOH

NTA. Petty, vindictive, unprofessional. You did the right thing. 💪

nebagram | nebagram

A harsh truth: ESH, but college won't be any easier 😢

Akuyatsu | Akuyatsu

University professor agrees NTA, condemns teacher's power trip behavior.

Grace_Alcock | Grace_Alcock

📚 Soft YTA. Commenter calls out entitlement & suggests doing better.

zer0dotcom | zer0dotcom

🤔 User calls out OP for not respecting education, despite teacher's actions.

I_Suggest_Therapy | I_Suggest_Therapy

Beware of vengeful teachers! Keep calm and study on 📚

Itchy-Worldliness-21 | Itchy-Worldliness-21

NTA: Educator explains why the teacher was in the wrong.

ExquisiteTako | ExquisiteTako

👍 Student's grade calculation and choices were fair and justified.

canyouturnitdown | canyouturnitdown

OP's math skills are A+, boomers' logic is F--k.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Chastising comment devalues student's experience. Lack of empathy evident 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Congrats on scholarship! 🎉 Advice to come across less cocky.

Clear-Consequence114 | Clear-Consequence114

Work smarter, not harder? Reddit says NTA in teacher sabotage

NaviHo | NaviHo

Skipping work with extra effort is funny but unnecessary.

Downtown-Law-3133 | Downtown-Law-3133

Defending a teen's senioritis and smart energy preservation 🙌

Shawtylabeouf | Shawtylabeouf

Praise for standing up to a vindictive teacher's grade sabotage.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA defends student against lazy accusations, encourages rest and relaxation 🙌

mashedpintobeans | mashedpintobeans

NTA. Some commenters didn't read the post. You deserve break! 👏

SuperSinestro | SuperSinestro

Teacher agrees with NTA, emphasizes importance of clear expectations.

Kris82868 | Kris82868

👏 NTA for taking a break and knowing your limits! 👍

kalex822 | kalex822

PhD student supports prioritization and self-care, suggests talking to teacher 🎓

PCD6I_Protein | PCD6I_Protein

NTA comment defends OP and criticizes unrealistic expectations of school.

OppH2040 | OppH2040

Student's honest effort sabotaged by vengeful professor. NTA 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empathetic comment supports hardworking student against vindictive teacher.

Barney429336 | Barney429336

Fellow senior empathizes with vindictive teacher's grade sabotage, NTA.

milena_208 | milena_208

Stand up to vindictive teacher or escalate to administration. NTA 💪

MidwestMSW | MidwestMSW

Recent HS grad defends NTA status against senioritis critics 😊

jyang12217 | jyang12217

Senior slacking leads to grade sabotage. Judgment split: NTA/YTA.

Dragonr0se | Dragonr0se

🙄Entitled student complains about bad grades after not doing work.

SunThestral | SunThestral

Don't let anyone bring you down! You've got this! 💪

ProfessionalBrick536 | ProfessionalBrick536

Lesson learned the hard way 👍

kelly08howell | kelly08howell

Advice for high school students on college preparation. 💪

betcher73 | betcher73

AP Calc and chill: NTA for taking it easy senior year 😎

esco159 | esco159

NTA, commenter defends OP's decision to skip homework and criticizes others' envy and entitlement. 🙌

ThirstyMuffinQueen | ThirstyMuffinQueen

NTA prevails! Teacher's petty grading system sabotages student's dreams 😠

oreooreooreos | oreooreooreos

👍 Advocating for oneself against vindictive teacher's policy change. NTA.

grandma_visitation | grandma_visitation

Don't let grades define you! Inspiring words for struggling students.

Tsunami1252 | Tsunami1252

Teacher encourages learning through assessments, not busywork. NTA.

SkinFlavored_LaCroix | SkinFlavored_LaCroix

Ex-teacher admits to sabotaging student's grades - ESH.

iniminimum | iniminimum

Don't slack off even if it means Bs, it could bite you in the a** later. 🎓

suzris | suzris

👏 Smart planning and good grades show the teacher's pettiness.

Professional-Fox-785 | Professional-Fox-785

Student slacks off, gets called out but no replies.

WannabeW0nderW0man | WannabeW0nderW0man

🤔 Commenter criticizes student for not doing AP Calculus assignments.

Due_Improvement_8260 | Due_Improvement_8260

NTA. Be warned that college classes won't let you slack. 🚨

Weary-Artichoke-8243 | Weary-Artichoke-8243

Teacher and OP both at fault for poor behavior 🤷‍♀️

Smuldering | Smuldering

Defending the OP's college plan and calling out entitlement accusations 👏

Jaded_Aardvark_5204 | Jaded_Aardvark_5204

NTA for questioning teacher's grade sabotage, but aim to exceed expectations. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teacher's actions questionable, but student's entitlement also an issue. 😐

kzweigy | kzweigy

🙅‍♂️ YTA called out for entitlement and inability to handle criticism.

theatrewhore | theatrewhore

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