Woman's BRUTAL Text to "Oversharing" Friend Sparks MAJOR Drama 😱

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a juicy tale of friendship drama and boundary-setting dilemmas. Our poor protagonist has had the week from hell 😈, complete with medical mishaps, work woes, and relationship ruckus. To top it off, they've got a brunch date with a new pal who's got more baggage than a 747 ✈️. Will our hero survive the impending trauma dump? 😱 Or will they put their foot down and demand a drama-free meal? 🍳 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

😩 A Week From Hell

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

😭 The Doorknob Incident

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

🍳 Brunch Plans with a New Friend

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

👭 Bonding Over Shared Struggles

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

🙍‍♀️ Her Long-Term Struggles

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

🚫 Not Ready for a Close Friendship

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

😬 Awkward Convo on the Horizon

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

📱 6am Trauma Dump Texts

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

😒 Not Your Facebook Wall, Girl

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

😰 Dreading the Trauma Dump Sesh

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

🙅‍♀️ Brunch Boundaries

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

😠 Twitter Tirade

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

🥞 Brunch > Empathy?

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

🤔 Shitty Friend or Self-Care?

Hollandaze0101 | Hollandaze0101

🍳 Brunch Boundaries: Am I a Bad Friend? 😬

Our frazzled friend is at their wit's end after a week of non-stop calamities. 😫 With a much-needed brunch on the horizon, they're dreading the inevitable trauma dump from their oversharing acquaintance. 😰 In a moment of self-preservation, they lay down the law: keep it light or cancel the date. 🙅‍♀️ Cue the Twitter tirade accusing them of being a selfish, unempathetic a-hole. 😠 But wait, let's see what the internet jury has to say about this brunch boundary brouhaha! 🤔 Is our protagonist a shitty friend or just practicing some much-needed self-care? 🧘‍♀️ The verdict is in, and it's bound to be a wild ride! 🎢

Supportive comment on a friend's text, suggests better phrasing. NTA.

Top-Personality1216 | Top-Personality1216

Setting boundaries may help salvage the friendship. ESH 🤷‍♀️

permanentlytiredAF | permanentlytiredAF

NTA for setting boundaries with oversharing friend. 👍

EstherandThyme | EstherandThyme

Clean break advice: NTA, block and move on. 👍

Gattina1 | Gattina1

Ending a toxic friendship with a blunt text message. NTA 👍

curiousbelgian | curiousbelgian

Setting boundaries is important, but diplomacy can go a long way. ESH

Beautiful_Heron3655 | Beautiful_Heron3655

Cancelling plans would've been smarter. Both need to treat better 🙏

Good4dGander | Good4dGander

Don't be a dumping ground, suggest therapy instead. NTA 👍

uTop-Artichoke5020 | uTop-Artichoke5020

Respecting boundaries is key to friendship 🙌

Remote_Comedian_562 | Remote_Comedian_562

NTA, but a little empathy goes a long way 🙏

traffic_free8 | traffic_free8

Cancelling would have been better than a brutal text. YTA. 🤷‍♀️

blugirlami21 | blugirlami21

Friend called out for lashing out, needs to take responsibility 🙅

Unfair_Finger5531 | Unfair_Finger5531

Politely cancelling plans with oversharing friend could be beneficial 🙂

secret_identity_too | secret_identity_too

NTA. Stand up for yourself and ghost the energy vampire 😎

highlighter57 | highlighter57

NTA. Taking care of your mental health is important 👍

Swimming-Fix-2637 | Swimming-Fix-2637

A compassionate comment acknowledging turmoil and lack of empathy.

unlimited_insanity | unlimited_insanity

Giving tough love to a needy friend. NTA 👏

RosyAntlers | RosyAntlers

Misery loves company. A reminder to be kinder to ourselves.

BeardManMichael | BeardManMichael

Reasonable text, unreasonable response. NTA, wild & A H move. 🤷‍♀️

SickSwan | SickSwan

Suggesting empathy would have saved the friendship 🤝

MZlurker | MZlurker

Setting boundaries in friendships 👥🚫

EdgeMiserable4381 | EdgeMiserable4381

Blunt, but not overly so. NTA for setting emotional boundaries.

Alternative-End-5079 | Alternative-End-5079

NTA for setting boundaries with a draining friend 😊

YouCommercial4519 | YouCommercial4519

Tensions rise as commenters weigh in on friend's brutal text. ESH.

SkylerRoseGrey | SkylerRoseGrey

Ignoring manipulative texts could have saved drama 🙏

Zoot-just_zoot | Zoot-just_zoot

Friend's lack of empathy leads to NTA verdict 👍

KetoLurkerHere | KetoLurkerHere

Setting boundaries doesn't make you cruel. Cut the cord 👋

BetweenWeebandOtaku | BetweenWeebandOtaku

Setting healthy boundaries is important. NTA 👍

JustAnotherUser8432 | JustAnotherUser8432

Friend overshared early on, NTA says trauma dumping is earned.

dropthepencil | dropthepencil

Setting boundaries with friends is important for self-care 👍

PhatGrannie | PhatGrannie

Valid request, poorly phrased. Canceling plans justified. 😊

Acreage26 | Acreage26

Setting boundaries without diplomacy: NTA sparks friend drama 😱

ichheissekate | ichheissekate

Set healthy boundaries and cut off toxic 'friend' 👍

plantynerd | plantynerd

Setting boundaries is important. NTA for enforcing them. 📱

Ghargamel | Ghargamel

Putting oneself first is crucial for mental health 🙌

TVDandANIMElover | TVDandANIMElover

Setting boundaries with needy friend who lacks appropriate boundaries 🙏

Bookish4269 | Bookish4269

NTA. Being honest about boundaries with friends is important 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Setting emotional boundaries is healthy and important for both parties ✌️

chasingcars67 | chasingcars67

Setting boundaries with draining friends is important for self-care 👍

Munchkin_Media | Munchkin_Media

Setting boundaries is important and okay. NTA 👍

millenialbullshite | millenialbullshite

Empathetic comment suggests therapy for both friends going through tough times 🙏

FlyingMacheteMonster | FlyingMacheteMonster

Refreshing honesty appreciated, despite harsh delivery 😊

horn_and_skull | horn_and_skull

Set boundaries and suggest therapy. NTA 👍

Comfortable-Math2084 | Comfortable-Math2084

Cut ties with emotional vampire friend. NTA. 👍

ChameleonMami | ChameleonMami

Friend gets called out for complaining but not communicating. YTA 😠

jenesaispas-pourquoi | jenesaispas-pourquoi

Suggest framing emotional break as benefit to both parties 👍

Both-Explanation8128 | Both-Explanation8128

Putting your own problems first doesn't make you a bad friend.

NotOnApprovedList | NotOnApprovedList

Setting boundaries in friendships is okay and necessary 👍

KindCompetence | KindCompetence

Calling out toxic friends: NTA shuts down trauma-dumping friend 💯

intelligentWinterhoe | intelligentWinterhoe

Setting reasonable boundaries with friends. NTA 👍

actualchristmastree | actualchristmastree

Setting boundaries with toxic friends is necessary for self-care 👍

downanout45 | downanout45

New acquaintance judged. NTA friend avoids drama. 👍

shammy_dammy | shammy_dammy

Honesty is the best policy. Hangouts should be light-hearted 😊

Character-Topic4015 | Character-Topic4015

Friend called out for hypocrisy and fake friendship. 🤨

JoyLatina86 | JoyLatina86

Setting boundaries is important for self-care. You deserve better 👏

DragonFireLettuce | DragonFireLettuce

NTA commenter sympathizes with friend's oversharing frustration.

Eastern-Move549 | Eastern-Move549

Setting boundaries is important. You're NTA for doing so.

EndedUpFine | EndedUpFine

Friend implies world revolves around her in brutal text exchange 🤔

Busy-Restaurant-9684 | Busy-Restaurant-9684

Questioning the friendship's benefits. NTA for setting boundaries.

egwynona | egwynona

Protect your energy and set boundaries with friends. NTA 👏

Tacos_and-tequila | Tacos_and-tequila

Setting boundaries with draining friends. NTA. 👍

letuswatchtvinpeace | letuswatchtvinpeace

Toxic friendship alert! Friend using commenter for free therapy 😱

ConstantBack3349 | ConstantBack3349

Respecting boundaries is key 👍

coffeebuzzbuzzz | coffeebuzzbuzzz

Setting boundaries is important for mental health. NTA 👍

sleepydaimyo | sleepydaimyo

When a friend overshared, calling it "sh*t" went too far 🤯

AverySmooth80 | AverySmooth80

Setting boundaries can be tough, but honesty is the best policy 👍

dudewersmyfart | dudewersmyfart

Friend exhibits poor boundaries, NTA for ending friendship bluntly 👍

neighborhood_mabel | neighborhood_mabel

Setting boundaries is important for mental health 👍

AnyOutlandishness509 | AnyOutlandishness509

Being honest is better than being a source of stress 🙌

midcen-mod1018 | midcen-mod1018

Organizing conversations in separate chats to manage stress levels. 👍

Oop-pt1 | Oop-pt1

Setting boundaries can be tough, but NTA for standing firm 👏

Knorro | Knorro

Cutting out toxic 'friends' is always a good decision 👍

andyk_77 | andyk_77

Work-free vacations are a must 🏝️

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

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