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Quotes For Any Parents Who Need A Really Good Laugh Today

Is there a tiny person yanking on your pant leg with sticky peanut butter fingers right now? Is your head pulsing with a never-ending Frozen 2-themed migraine that no amount of cups of coffee can seem to fix?

Are you a parent?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, I'm sure you'd appreciate a good laugh sesh right about now. Well, you're in luck, because I've collected some hilarious parenting quotes to make you chuckle when all you want to do is bang your head against a wall.


Time simply ceases to exist.

Pinterest | Ramblin Mama

You ever tried to sit and play games with your kid before? If you have, then I'm sure you know how long 10 minutes can feel when you're trying to keep up with a five-year-old's story line for their Barbie dolls.

"No, Mom! Jessica isn't the unicorn doctor, Brittany is! You didn't listen!"

Repeat as necessary.

Pinterest | Toni Hammer

I think this is missing that step where you stick it in the microwave to reheat it, then promptly forget you put it in there and find it six hours later when you're going to heat up leftover mac and cheese for dinner.

That's it, that's what it's like.


Be prepared to shout at the top of your lungs at your children to tell them to use their inside voice.

You never really get used that kind of hypocrisy but, hey, that's parenting.

"There's no food at home!"

This is why you need to learn how to take the best route home — the one that doesn't go by the toy store, the playground, or McDonald's.

Especially not McDonald's.

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