Teen Throws a FIT When Sister Takes Dog SHE Abandoned! 🐶😡

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🐶 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a real doggy drama on our hands! 🙊 Meet Phoebe, Maddie, and Lily - three sisters with a furry friend at the center of a family feud. 😱 When Lily's love for her pomchi pup, Charlie, fizzles out faster than a firework 🎆, big sis Phoebe steps up to give the little guy all the love and care he deserves. 🥰 But now that Phoebe's ready to spread her wings and fly the coop 🦅, she wants to take Charlie with her... and let's just say, not everyone's wagging their tail with joy over this idea! 😬 Get ready for a tail of family drama, puppy love, and one tough decision that's got everyone barking mad! 🐶🗣️

🐶 A Tail of Three Sisters and a Pomchi Pup! 🐾

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🎁 Surprise! It's a Puppy... But Not Everyone's Thrilled 😬

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🐶 Enter Charlie, the Adorable Pomchi Pup! 🐾

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

😾 Plot Twist: Lily Wants a Cat Instead! 🙀

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🐶 Poor Charlie Gets the Cold Shoulder 😢

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

👩‍🦰 Phoebe to the Rescue! 🦸‍♀️

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🎓 Phoebe Graduates and Faces a Tough Decision 🏠

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🐶 Mom Says Phoebe Can Take Charlie! 🎉

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🏡 The Perfect Pad for Phoebe and Her Pup! 🐾

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

👍 Mom Gives Her Blessing, But Trouble's Brewing... 😬

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🗣️ Mom Lays Down the Law: Phoebe Takes Charlie! 🐶

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🤔 AITA for Letting Phoebe Take Charlie? 🐶

aitadogcustody | aitadogcustody

🐶 The Ultimutt Showdown: Who Gets Charlie? 🤔

Well, well, well... looks like this family's in quite the pickle! 😬 Lily's all fired up 🔥, claiming Charlie's HER dog, but let's be real - she ditched the poor pup faster than you can say "fetch"! 🙄 Meanwhile, Phoebe's been the ultimate dog mom 👩‍🦰, giving Charlie all the love, walks, and gourmet meals a pomchi could dream of. 🐶💕 Now that Phoebe's ready to start her new life in the perfect pet-friendly pad 🏡, Mom's given her the green light to take Charlie along for the ride. 🚗💨 But Lily and Dad are putting their paws down 🐾, saying Mom has no right to make that call. 😤 So, what does the internet think? 🤔 Is Mom barking up the wrong tree by letting Phoebe take Charlie, or is Lily just being a sore loser in this game of puppy love? 🐶💔 Let's hear those hot takes, folks! 🗣️🔥

Dog deserves care and love, not to be abandoned. NTA.

FunkyOrangePenguin | FunkyOrangePenguin

Teaching responsibility: older sister learns to care for dog 🐶

NomNom83WasTaken | NomNom83WasTaken

NTA defends rightful dog ownership against entitled sister.

pfashby | pfashby

NTA and a fair request for back pay from sister 👏

MisachuHawke | MisachuHawke

Abandoned dog, sister gets mad, but NTA for rehoming.

dublos | dublos

Husband's favoritism causes parenting issues with abandoned dog situation. 😖

Spank_Cakes | Spank_Cakes

Abandoning a dog doesn't give you the right to claim it 🐶

pjeans | pjeans

NTA stands up for abandoned dog, suggests payment for care. 🐶

murphy2345678 | murphy2345678

Dog abandoned by daughter becomes sister's responsibility. NTA.

Savings_Ice_5856 | Savings_Ice_5856

Dog abuser gets justice, the internet cheers. 🐶👏

SadWinnipeger | SadWinnipeger

Choosing Phoebe to take care of Charlie was the right thing. 🐶❤️

throwawaynoise97 | throwawaynoise97

Teachable moment on pet parenting. NTA, Lily lacks respect. 🐶

Live-Elderberry-3780 | Live-Elderberry-3780

Creative solution proposed to daughter and husband problem.

Infamous_Control_778 | Infamous_Control_778

Sister abandons dog, throws fit when sister takes responsibility. NTA.

EmeraldBlueZen | EmeraldBlueZen

Teens argue over abandoned dog, NTA suggests father is AH.

Particular_Elk3022 | Particular_Elk3022

Favoritism and entitlement in the family due to dad's behavior. NTA.

moew4974 | moew4974

Husband's mistake of getting novice an animal, NTA for OP

LadyRosy | LadyRosy

Taking responsibility for a pet is a privilege, not a right 🐶

alreadyovereacting | alreadyovereacting

Dog's well-being comes first, youngest sibling lacks responsibility. NTA.

ultimovice | ultimovice

Abandoned dog finds a loving home. 🐶❤️

000-Hotaru_Tomoe | 000-Hotaru_Tomoe

ESH for bad communication skills and not discussing life changes 👍

herdingcats2020 | herdingcats2020

NTA: Older daughter has right to take dog she cares for

TN_perverted_ff | TN_perverted_ff

Dog lover defends rightful ownership of abandoned dog. 🐶❤️

Aylauria | Aylauria

Responsible dog ownership advice. 🐶😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Phoebe is the real pet owner here 🐶

Street_Passage_1151 | Street_Passage_1151

Abandoned dog finds new home, sister throws a fit. NTA wins!

Material-Profit5923 | Material-Profit5923

Husband's double standards on animal decisions called out. NTA.

My_Panache | My_Panache

Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility, not possession. 🐶

candycoatedcoward | candycoatedcoward

Sister abandons dog, has a fit when it's taken away 🤷‍♀️

giantbrownguy | giantbrownguy

NTA. Cats are easier than dogs, Lily should be grateful. 🐶

Whats_Up_Coconut | Whats_Up_Coconut

Abandoning pets is cruel and unacceptable, NTA made right call.


Sick OP potty trains sister's puppy, puppy bonds with OP instead. NTA ❤️🐶

LuckyInLove8789 | LuckyInLove8789

Husband's bratty kid, husband's problem 😏

themoonismybestie | themoonismybestie

Savage quiz to prove sister's irresponsibility and NTA judgement.

TheOneAndOnlySelf | TheOneAndOnlySelf

Favoritism towards youngest sister's dog causes family feud. NTA.

Quiet_Goat8086 | Quiet_Goat8086

NTA but husband problem. Who will care for Charlie later? 🐶

astrocanyounaut | astrocanyounaut

Advice on parenting and avoiding sibling conflicts. 👨‍👩‍👧 Don't blame it all on the husband. 👅

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband's favorite daughter causing trouble over abandoned dog 🐶

Flat_Librarian_1724 | Flat_Librarian_1724

Abandoned dog's loyalty shifts to new caretaker. NTA. 🐶

sci_fi_bi | sci_fi_bi

Putting a dog's quality of life first 🐶 #NTA

JanetInSpain | JanetInSpain

Taking a stand for the abandoned dog 🐶

InfectedAlloy88 | InfectedAlloy88

NTA defends Phoebe's ownership of dog with a financial argument 💰

NerdySwampWitch40 | NerdySwampWitch40

Hold sister accountable for dog's care. NTA 🐶

Consistent_Ad_805 | Consistent_Ad_805

Dog comes first, not spoiled brat. NTA.

NorthwestPassenger | NorthwestPassenger

Abandoning pets is cruel. NTA for giving Charlie a better home. 🐶

PrestigiousWedding36 | PrestigiousWedding36

Do what's right for Charlie! 🐶 NTA wins the debate.

HandfulOfEarth | HandfulOfEarth

Sibling drama over abandoned dog 🐶💔

NowWithMoreChocolate | NowWithMoreChocolate

Dog abandoned by Lily, sister Phoebe should keep Charlie 🐶

Maleficent_Ad407 | Maleficent_Ad407

Parenting gone wrong, daughter gets away with bad attitude. 😞


Dogs form emotional attachments too 🐶😢

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Husband's behavior is ruining your child, NTA for sister taking dog.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Lily's abandoned dog deserves love, not a toy. #StandYourGround 🐶

Kooky-Today-3172 | Kooky-Today-3172

Neglected dog taken by another person, sister throws a fit 🐶😡

az22hctac | az22hctac

Dog owner abandons pet, sister adopts - not an a**hole move! 🐶

Knife-yWife-y | Knife-yWife-y

Fighting for the dog and the family, NTA's got it tough 🐶

JCBashBash | JCBashBash

NTA for not returning abandoned dog. Concerned about husband's behavior.

Working-Caterpillar | Working-Caterpillar

Phoebe takes care of Charlie, Lily wants control. NTA.

Huge_Industry_1259 | Huge_Industry_1259

Comparing responsibilities might resolve dog ownership dispute. #NTA 🐶

Historical_Carpet262 | Historical_Carpet262

Neglectful sister tries to take back dog, but is shut down. 🐶

Ok-Mode-2038 | Ok-Mode-2038

Supportive comment to keep dog away from irresponsible teenager. 🐶

Dizzy_Emotion7381 | Dizzy_Emotion7381

Husband prioritizes sister over wife and kids 😤 NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Abandoned dog creates family drama. NTA or ESH?

rczinna | rczinna

Parent struggles with entitled stepchild, takes stand. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parenting win: holding daughter accountable for neglecting dog 🐶

Pizza-love | Pizza-love

NTA, but husband causing family tension. Serious talk needed. 🚨

LillyLing10 | LillyLing10

Family decides who gets pet, NTA for taking better care 🐶

Popular_Emu1723 | Popular_Emu1723

Abandoned dog sparks family drama, NTA sister takes over care 🐶

MumSquared | MumSquared

Phoebe deserves to keep the dog after caring for him. 🐶

bkwormtricia | bkwormtricia

NTA, sister abandoned the dog and won't care for it.

Lunarisles | Lunarisles

Sister claims dog but neglects it, throws fit when confronted. NTA

Sidneyreb | Sidneyreb

Divorce over dog custody? 🐶👑 NTA takes a stand

rickallen71 | rickallen71

Advice for dealing with husband's fixation on daughter's happiness.

beefytaint21 | beefytaint21

Dog abandoned by sister, OP not the a**hole for rehoming.

Time-Tie-231 | Time-Tie-231

Responsible pet ownership is important, sister was right to intervene 🐶

Chaoticgood790 | Chaoticgood790

Dog chooses love over neglect, NTA wins custody battle. 🐶❤️

Terrible-Owl-76 | Terrible-Owl-76

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