Groom Puts Foot Down: "NO Wedding Until You Apologize for Leaking My Pics!" 😤💍

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy story that's sure to make your jaw drop and your eyes pop! 😱 Imagine finding out that your loving fiancée has been sharing your most intimate photos with her friends without your consent! 🙈 Talk about a betrayal of trust! 💔 Our poor protagonist is facing a real dilemma here - should he let it go and move on with the wedding plans, or stand his ground and demand an apology? 🤔 Let's dive into this scandalous tale and see how it all unfolds! 🍿

😱 Shocking Revelation: Fiancée Exposed My Private Parts! 🍆

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🤔 Confusion and Clarification: What Does 'Big' Mean? 🍌

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😳 Embarrassing Revelation: Girlfriend Complained About My Size! 📏

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😡 Betrayal of Trust: I Thought Those Photos Were Private! 🔒

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🙅‍♂️ Consent Matters: I Wouldn't Have Sent Them If I Knew! 📸

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🤷‍♀️ Her Excuse: Surprised by Size, Needed Advice! 🆘

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😠 No Remorse: She Thinks She Did Me a Favor! 🙄

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🗣️ Demanding an Apology: She Laughed It Off! 😤

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🚫 No Wedding Planning Until Apology: She's Pissed! 😡

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😤 Stalemate: She Won't Apologize, I'm Ignoring Wedding Plans! 💍

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🤦‍♀️ Friends and Family Side with Her: Let It Go, Stop Being an A-hole! 🙅‍♂️

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🤔 AITA for Protesting the Wedding Until She Apologizes? 🤷‍♂️

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😱 Fiancée Exposed His Private Parts, Now He's Refusing to Plan the Wedding! 💍

Well, well, well... looks like we've got a real pickle of a situation here! 🥒 Our protagonist, let's call him 'Big D' 🍆, is facing a major betrayal from his fiancée. Turns out, she's been sharing his most intimate photos with her friends, complaining about his size and their sexual incompatibility! 😳 Big D is understandably upset and demanding an apology, but his fiancée thinks she did him a favor by impressing her friends! 🙄 Now, Big D is refusing to help with any more wedding planning until she apologizes, but she's not budging! 😤 Friends and family are telling him to let it go and stop being an a-hole, but is he really in the wrong here? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this scandalous situation! 🗣️

Double standards in relationships? Commenter calls out unequal treatment.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Privacy violation leads to trust issues, NTA stands firm.

Kellymargaret | Kellymargaret

Sending revealing photos without consent is violating and rude. NTA.

alicat618 | alicat618

Heartbreaking breach of trust. Double standards are repulsive. #NTA 😢

SinglePastryChefLife | SinglePastryChefLife

Sharing nudes without consent is illegal and terrible. NTA.

pmmeBostonfacts | pmmeBostonfacts

Leaking someone's nudes without consent is a major boundary breach 😱 NTA

Blobfish_Blues | Blobfish_Blues

Standing up against a huge breach of trust 😤👊

Deathsongg | Deathsongg

Gender double standards exposed. NTA for not tolerating disrespect.

AnnieJack | AnnieJack

Sharing private pics without consent is never okay. NTA.

CharacterSuccotash5 | CharacterSuccotash5

Leaked wedding pics? Creepy and NTA says this commenter 😱

christina0001 | christina0001

Nitpicking the terminology or calling out double standards? 🤔

QueanLaQueafa | QueanLaQueafa

Fiance shared explicit pics and laughed it off. NTA. Dump her! 💯

gpele13 | gpele13

Sharing pictures without consent is wrong, NTA for standing up.

Donkey366 | Donkey366

NTA, privacy violation deserves apology. Friends remember, not 'nobody cares'.

mikaraisu | mikaraisu

NTA wants apology for leaked pics, seems reasonable. 👍

Meniak89 | Meniak89

An awkward comment that deserves no reply. 🤦‍♂️

greasyflame1 | greasyflame1

Petty revenge may not solve the problem 😕

Neato_Queen | Neato_Queen

A vulgar and inappropriate comment, please refrain from such language.

imliterallyuseless | imliterallyuseless

Privacy violation deserves apology. Complimentary doesn't justify betrayal. NTA 💯

GreenEyedAP | GreenEyedAP

Joking about revenge for leaked pics, but NTA sentiment.

nutr-cunt | nutr-cunt

Groom's trust violated by leaked pics, no apology from fiancé. 😱

Froggetpwagain | Froggetpwagain

Think twice before marrying someone who can't fulfill emotional needs 🤔

ItsMyView | ItsMyView

Sharing intimate photos without consent is never okay. NTA.

Painting_with_Music | Painting_with_Music

Sharing intimate photos without consent is NEVER okay! 💯

rmihich | rmihich

Sharing pictures without permission is never okay. NTA for demanding apology. 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sarcastic reply suggests taking pics of her vagina as retaliation 🤣

DrFishTaco | DrFishTaco

NTA's comment highlights red flags in GF's behavior ⚠️

DoubleTroubleToo | DoubleTroubleToo

NTA stands his ground after fiancee leaks his pics 🙌

annoyedpotatolady | annoyedpotatolady

A vulgar comment with no replies. Keep scrolling.

soHowBadDoYouWantIt | soHowBadDoYouWantIt

Standing up for himself and calling out double standards. NTA 👏

PinkWashedx | PinkWashedx

Creative solution to make a point. NTA wins this one! 😂

twilite_sparkle7 | twilite_sparkle7

NTA defends bride-to-be's privacy after leaked pics scandal. 🙌

sojojo142 | sojojo142

Warning of potential future conflicts in a dismissive partner 😡

unknownwinner10 | unknownwinner10

A thoughtful comment on the importance of communication in relationships 👏

ulalumelenore | ulalumelenore

Violation of privacy, NTA, won't plan wedding. Shocking situation.

skatingdogs | skatingdogs

Groom deserves respect and privacy, NTA. Break up advice given. 👍

YarnAndMetal | YarnAndMetal

Groom-to-be demands apology for leaked pics, gets called 'asshole'. NTA

Decent_Ad6389 | Decent_Ad6389

Think twice before marrying someone who disrespects your privacy 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Male survivor speaks out against society's dismissal of male harassment victims.

TheDwiin | TheDwiin

Respect and privacy matter. NTA for standing your ground.

Maggie_Mayhem_1 | Maggie_Mayhem_1

NTA. Fiancée and friends gaslighting and violating privacy is unacceptable. 💔

mochaluvr1 | mochaluvr1

NTA. Trust and respect are key in a relationship. ❤️

abnie | abnie

Sharing nudes without consent is a**holish and illegal. NTA.

Naay_ | Naay_

NTA. Can't apologize for leaking pics? Red flag 🍊

Bug_a_boo_Mama | Bug_a_boo_Mama

Single and ready to save money! 💰

BenBurch1 | BenBurch1

Don't let her gaslight you, stand your ground and demand respect 💪

karmagrl31276 | karmagrl31276

Sharing private pics without consent is never okay. 👍

noodleeaterluvr | noodleeaterluvr

Questioning trust in a marriage amidst photo leak scandal 🤔

ThePerfumeLady7 | ThePerfumeLady7

Lesson learned: never take compromising pics and respect your partner's feelings.

heaveranne | heaveranne

Girlfriend won't apologize for leaking pics. NTA or gaslighting?

leakinglego | leakinglego

Over-sharer married 30 years gives sound advice on penis pics. 👉🏻💍

Suesuzysue | Suesuzysue

Empathetic comment offers support to groom on leaked pics situation.

SaltMarshGoblin | SaltMarshGoblin

Fiancée violated privacy, but is it worth cancelling wedding? 🤔

Pollypocketful | Pollypocketful

Delay the wedding until trust is regained. 💍

RPGMaster1100 | RPGMaster1100

Friend lacks remorse for leaking pics, prioritize validation over respect. 🤦‍♂️

VoodooDuck614 | VoodooDuck614

Sharing nudes without consent = not okay. NTA.

MushroomPrincess63 | MushroomPrincess63

Privacy violation in relationships is unacceptable. NTA stands firm.

rat-sajak | rat-sajak

Sharing personal pics is a major deal breaker. NTA 👍

LxSky90 | LxSky90

Think twice before tying the knot. Get counseling first 🙏

Andophi | Andophi

Groom stands firm on leaked pics, comments warn of red flag 🚩

joxx67 | joxx67

Sending someone's private pictures without permission is a**hole behavior.

radleynope | radleynope

Partner refuses to apologize for leaking pics, NTA, reconsider relationship. 😑

aribeiro659 | aribeiro659

Sharing private pics without consent is a breach of trust! 😡

synesthesiah | synesthesiah

Valid to be hurt now, minimizing your reaction is meanness. 🤷‍♂️

amhran_oiche | amhran_oiche

Sharing nude pictures without consent is creepy and unacceptable. NTA.

MPBoomBoom22 | MPBoomBoom22

Trust was betrayed, yet she twists it and calls him crazy. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Boundaries crossed, therapy needed before marriage 👆

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

Sending nudes to a partner comes with privacy expectations. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Boundaries and consent matter. NTA for standing up for them.

Arielmermaid27 | Arielmermaid27

Red flag alert! Don't take this behavior lightly 🚨

TheCaveEV | TheCaveEV

Sharing someone's photos without consent is not okay. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Sending pictures was not cool. Keep your foot down.

ClawedRavenesque | ClawedRavenesque

NTA shuts down horrible logic with a hilarious comparison.

blahblahblandish | blahblahblandish

Woman advises to play the long game for wedding photo leak 💋

19145770 | 19145770

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