OUTRAGEOUS! Woman Demands Wheelchair-Bound Girl Hold Her Baby 😱

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Diply | Diply

🚌 Buckle up, folks, because you're in for a wild ride! 😳 I recently found myself in a bizarre situation on a bus with my wheelchair-bound niece, Kara. We were just trying to get to a convention in the city, but a woman with a baby had other plans. 👶 Get ready for a story filled with drama, entitlement, and a whole lot of awkwardness! 😅 Was I wrong for how I reacted? Let's dive in and find out! 🤔

🚌 A Bizarre Bus Ride with My Niece 😳

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

🎉 Off to the Convention! 🎊

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

👶 Enter the Woman with the Baby Pram 🍼

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

🙆‍♀️ The Woman's Odd Request 🤨

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

😶 Kara's Speechless Reaction 😐

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

🤨 Calling Out the Weirdness 😒

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

😴 The Woman's Tired Excuse 🥱

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

🤬 Losing My Cool and Calling Her Out 😠

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

👀 Dirty Looks from Other Passengers 😒

salty_strawberry392 | salty_strawberry392

🍿 The Internet Weighs In: Was I Wrong for Yelling at the Baby-Pushing Woman? 🤔

Well, well, well... it seems like this bus ride turned into quite the spectacle! 😳 From the woman's audacious request to use my niece as a baby shelf 👶🪑 to my explosive reaction 🤬, it's no wonder the other passengers were giving me the side-eye. 👀 But let's be real, who in their right mind would ask a stranger in a wheelchair to hold their baby? 🤨 I mean, come on! 🙄 Now, I'm curious to know what the internet has to say about this whole fiasco. 🌐 Let's take a look at some of the top responses and see if I was justified in my outburst or if I took things a bit too far. 😅 Grab your popcorn, folks, because this is about to get interesting! 🍿

Setting an example for boundaries and respect 👏 #NTA

Impressive-Amoeba-97 | Impressive-Amoeba-97

Treating a wheelchair user like a 'baby shelf' 🤯 is unacceptable. NTA.

ericthostriga | ericthostriga

Woman bizarrely hands off baby to stranger in wheelchair 🤔

WalthamRoast27 | WalthamRoast27

Disabled person explains the mistreatment of wheelchair users. NTA 👍

KaliTheBlaze | KaliTheBlaze

Mother dumps baby on stranger, commenter baffled. 🤔

Poekienijn | Poekienijn

Supportive commenter calls out terrible parenting and ignorant bystanders 👏

Greenelse | Greenelse

Defending niece's rights to not be used as furniture 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Strangers on the bus refuse to help, NTA for not accepting. 😐

Brainjacker | Brainjacker

NTA calls out bizarre story, suggests others hold the baby 🤷‍♂️

DarkCheezus | DarkCheezus

Standing up against ableism and forced baby-holding 💪

MaryVonDerInsel | MaryVonDerInsel

Stranger demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby? NTA, obviously.

biochem-genius | biochem-genius

Wheelchair users face discrimination and assumptions. NTA for advocating.

PepperPhoenix | PepperPhoenix

Woman demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby. NTA shuts her down. 😱

Cloud_witch3879 | Cloud_witch3879

Humorous comment with no replies about holding a baby

theydotcom | theydotcom

A stranger drops her baby on wheelchair-bound girl's lap? NTA

VorionLightbringer | VorionLightbringer

Woman shares similar experience of being handed a baby on bus.

AgitatedAd6924 | AgitatedAd6924

Wheelchair users are not objects. Thank you for standing up 👍

PunkinPumkin | PunkinPumkin

Mom with MS sympathizes with wheelchair-bound girl, calls out entitled woman.

mslexibae | mslexibae

Demanding a wheelchair-bound girl to hold a baby? Not cool 😱

thc1121 | thc1121

Stranger dumps baby on wheelchair-bound child? OP is NTA! 🤕

cobaltaureus | cobaltaureus

Stranger demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby 😱, commenters support OP

PebblesFlint | PebblesFlint

Standing up for the niece's rights 💪. Disabilities are not obligations.

sapphicsapphires | sapphicsapphires

Defending niece from entitled parent 👏🏼 #NTA

CivilSenpai69 | CivilSenpai69

Woman demands wheelchair girl hold baby, stranger offers NTA support 🙌

KoolJozeeKatt | KoolJozeeKatt

Standing up for what's right 🙌 Niece deserves respect

notthathamilton | notthathamilton

Related or not, no one should force a child to hold a baby 🤷‍♀️

orangeupurple1 | orangeupurple1

Disabled people aren't furniture 😡, NTA for feeling annoyed.

Intelligent-Panda-33 | Intelligent-Panda-33

Woman demands wheelchair user hold her baby, commenter says NTA

manonaca | manonaca

NTA calls out stranger for bizarre request to wheelchair-bound girl 🤔

onceler80 | onceler80

Woman demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby, comment supports girl, calls woman unhygienic. NTA

Swedishpunsch | Swedishpunsch

A frustrated parent points out the dangers of inadequate public transit 😠

chlorenchyma | chlorenchyma

Parent uses baby as punishment against wheelchair-bound child 😱

CaramelTurtles | CaramelTurtles

Woman demands stranger hold her baby, NTA calls out her ignorance 😱

xray_anonymous | xray_anonymous

Stranger demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby 😱

Kareberrys | Kareberrys

Woman demands wheelchair-bound child hold her baby. Commenters outraged. NTA.

peonypegasus | peonypegasus

Standing up for what's right, and a baby, too! 👏

usedtofall77 | usedtofall77

Mother demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby. Commenters side with girl.

fjewel95 | fjewel95

Disgusting behavior towards a wheelchair-bound child. NTA commentator speaks truth.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Woman demands wheelchair-bound girl to hold her baby - NTA calls her out for being rude and dangerous 😱

Korilian | Korilian

Respect wheelchair users, they're not furniture for your convenience 🚨

melkesjokolade89 | melkesjokolade89

Stranger demands wheelchair-bound girl to hold her baby on bus 😱

finehamsabound | finehamsabound

Defending wheelchair-bound girl's rights on the bus. 💪

Possible_Laugh_9139 | Possible_Laugh_9139

NTA defends wheelchair-bound girl and questions the 'baby shelf' concept.

HowdyDoodyCircusPres | HowdyDoodyCircusPres

Complimenting the commenter's English proficiency. 👍

Taran345 | Taran345

NTA stands up for wheelchair-bound girl in a hilarious way 😂

AreYouKiddingMePeps | AreYouKiddingMePeps

Demanding a wheelchair-bound girl to hold a baby? NTA's got it

Meepster01 | Meepster01

"Thanks for the free baby" - A sassy response to entitlement 🤣

QuesInTheBoos | QuesInTheBoos

Crazy demand for wheelchair-bound girl to hold baby; commenter suggests insane response

Erebloth | Erebloth

Empathetic comment defends wheelchair-bound girl's refusal to hold baby.

rajenr | rajenr

Internet agrees: don't force a wheelchair-bound girl to hold baby 🙌

Silent_Syd241 | Silent_Syd241

NTA commenter defends wheelchair-bound girl and criticizes entitled parents 😎

MochaJ95 | MochaJ95

Mother's trust issues lead to outrageous demand. 🤷‍♀️

clairekingthequeen | clairekingthequeen

Defending wheelchair-bound cousin from baby demander 😍

xavii117 | xavii117

Parenting 101: Don't trust strangers with your baby 🙄

fun_mak21 | fun_mak21

Mother demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby? NTA wins.

Revolutionary_Ad1846 | Revolutionary_Ad1846

Woman demands wheelchair-bound girl hold her baby - NTA stands up for niece

MischievousBish | MischievousBish

NTA commenter defends disabled girl in viral video. 💪

WesternTumbleweeds | WesternTumbleweeds

Petty but satisfying: commenter threatens authorities for child neglect.

BeefyMonkeyBrains | BeefyMonkeyBrains

NTA reports abandoned baby for safety concerns 👶

bibbiddybobbidyboo | bibbiddybobbidyboo

Parenting gone wrong! Stranger asked to hold baby on bus 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Passengers fail to stand up for disabled girl's right to space.

Mr_Ariyeh | Mr_Ariyeh

Disgusted commenter questions irresponsible parenting. 😱

tmoiraflem | tmoiraflem

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