Caregiver's SHOCKING Ultimatum to Disabled MIL: 'Use a Bedpan or Else!' 😱

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a doozy of a dilemma on our hands. 😱 Our exhausted protagonist finds herself in a sticky situation with her frail mother-in-law. 🙋‍♀️ As the designated caregiver, she's been running herself ragged trying to keep up with her MIL's constant bathroom breaks. 🚽 But now, the lack of sleep and endless lifting have pushed her to the brink. 😴 Will a bedpan be the solution, or will it only add fuel to the fire? 🔥 Let's dive in and find out! 👀

🏠 A Strained Situation at Home 😰

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🙋‍♀️ Stepping Up as the Caregiver 💪

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😴 Nighttime Nightmare Begins 🌙

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🚽 Toilet Trips on Repeat 🔁

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😴 Sleep? What's That? 🥱

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🏋️‍♀️ Lifting More Than Just Spirits 😓

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😔 Guilt-Ridden but Exhausted 😞

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🙅‍♀️ MIL's Stubborn Stance 😤

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💔 A Once-Friendly Bond Strained 😢

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🚨 Caregiver's Conundrum: Bedpan Battle with MIL! 😱

Well, well, well... it seems our protagonist has found herself in quite the pickle! 🥒 Juggling the role of caregiver and sleep-deprived zombie, she's at her wit's end with her MIL's nightly bathroom adventures. 🚽🌙 But her attempt to introduce a bedpan has only added to the drama, with her MIL refusing to use it and holding it in out of spite! 😤 The once-friendly relationship has turned sour, and her husband is steering clear of the whole mess. 🙅‍♂️ So, what does the internet think of this potty predicament? 🤔 Let's see what wisdom the masses have to offer! 🌍💬

Sincere sympathy for caregiver's difficult situation, NTA, husband shameful. 😞

[deleted] | [deleted]

Spouse must help care for his mother. NTA wins. 👏

Zibellina | Zibellina

User suggests options for caregiver's husband's lack of help. 👍

hockeygarden29 | hockeygarden29

Spouse should take responsibility for MIL's care. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Spouse refusing to care for his own mother? NTA, stand firm! 💪

KittenKath | KittenKath

Husband's lack of support puts caregiver in tough spot 😔

tosser9212 | tosser9212

Sensible advice for caring for elderly MIL with incontinence. 🙏

beebsaleebs | beebsaleebs

NTA suggests nursing home for disabled MIL. Offers personal experience and advice.

Smudgikins | Smudgikins

RN suggests Purewick for elderly patient, calls out husband's behavior. 👏

Shot-Department3626 | Shot-Department3626

Husband's lack of support for MIL's care reveals true intentions 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Caretaker suggests alternatives for MIL's excessive nighttime bathroom trips. 🚽

panda_in_the_void | panda_in_the_void

Setting boundaries with MIL's hygiene 💩. Husband is an AH.

venlovesrpdr | venlovesrpdr

Spouse should provide for MIL's night time care. NTA 👍

Sparkleunicorn272727 | Sparkleunicorn272727

Husband needs to step up and help his disabled mother.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand your ground and remind him she's HIS mother 💪

professorllayton | professorllayton

Supportive comment urges OP to stand up to lousy husband. NTA 👏

ParapaPalace | ParapaPalace

Don't sacrifice your health for MIL's unreasonable demands 🙏

Lady_Ellie119 | Lady_Ellie119

Caregiver burnout is real! Seek help and support 🙏🏻

Cat-catt | Cat-catt

Suggests putting MIL in a home for round-the-clock care. NTA.

Ranos131 | Ranos131

Caring for a loved one is tough, sleep is necessary 🚤

Sentient-Fleshlight | Sentient-Fleshlight

Spouse won't help care for disabled MIL, NTA for prioritizing self 💪

aussiefamily | aussiefamily

Helpful advice on alternatives to ultimatum, NTA comment 👍

Shaggymaggie | Shaggymaggie

You're not responsible for your MIL's care. NTA 👍

madrugada | madrugada

NTA caregiver needs support from weak husband to handle MIL 🙏

Cool_Will_24 | Cool_Will_24

Take a break, let him experience what it's like. 🙌 NTA

trustytip | trustytip

NTA. Caretaker role is not yours alone. Have conversation about alternatives.

Other_Appeal6415 | Other_Appeal6415

Spouse must take responsibility for his disabled mother's care! 😠

Jovon35 | Jovon35

UTI possibility raised for MIL's incontinence by commenter.

mom7890 | mom7890

Caretaker burnout? Night nurse or care home are options.

ICWhatsNUrP | ICWhatsNUrP

Compassionate advice on caregiving and exploring other options. 🙏

grammie2eight | grammie2eight

NTA. Caregiver's best but husband should help with MIL's care 🚧

AmethistStars | AmethistStars

Medical professional defends use of hoists and stand aids. Spouse AH.

Saysaywhat91 | Saysaywhat91

Teen caregiver deserves partner's help, not ultimatums. 🙏

Boring_mom19 | Boring_mom19

Tough love or harsh reality? NTA suggests old folks home 💼

SuperVanessa007 | SuperVanessa007

A nursing student suggests professional care for disabled MIL. 🙌

soupstarsandsilence | soupstarsandsilence

Former caregiver recommends commode for MIL's bathroom needs. 🙌

Ok_Introduction_4069 | Ok_Introduction_4069

Helpful advice on elderly bed aids and toilet grab bars 👍

PattersonsOlady | PattersonsOlady

Caregiving struggles and the need for a serious conversation.

stropette | stropette

Hiring night care may be a better option. 😊


Prioritizing self-care is crucial, bringing in outside help recommended. 🙌

prove____it | prove____it

Caregiver's cruel ultimatum causes sleep deprivation and torture 😱

4alark | 4alark

💡 A helpful suggestion for caring for elderly family members at night.

jack2bax | jack2bax

Caregiver advised to hire a nurse, limit MIL's drinking 🍷

Steups13 | Steups13

NTA suggests MIL goes to rehab or nursing home 🚩

TheLastGerudo | TheLastGerudo

Sensible suggestion for caregiver to take a break and delegate duties 👍

lauraleipz | lauraleipz

Overworked caregiver needs help from MIL's son. 💪

Fluffy_Ad_9433 | Fluffy_Ad_9433

Assisted living might be better for MIL. 😊

wind-river7 | wind-river7

Stand your ground! 💪 Help husband understand the consequences. 🙏

Nightingur | Nightingur

Suggests seeing a doctor for injuries becoming permanent damage. 😱

Vccccccccc | Vccccccccc

Caregiver's health must come first, MIL should use bedpan 🤴

JHawk444 | JHawk444

Stand your ground 💪. It's not worth ruining yourself physically and mentally.

JoanneSmith567 | JoanneSmith567

Husband should step up. NTA caregiver seeks nighttime assistance. 👏

MaranwaeAmandil | MaranwaeAmandil

Caring for MIL with dementia isn't easy. NTA for setting boundaries. 🙏

Brefailslife420 | Brefailslife420

Nurse advises lifting equipment for MIL, urges husband to help. 👩‍⚕️

Ohmalley-thealliecat | Ohmalley-thealliecat

NTA but harsh truth about growing old with an ungrateful spouse 😕

pinkloafers | pinkloafers

Solutions suggested for caregiver struggling with disabled MIL's needs. 🙌

typhlosion109 | typhlosion109

Caregiver defends not lifting disabled MIL, suggests hoist or home placement.

ifmtobh | ifmtobh

Husband's sexist and gross behavior criticized, bedpan solution offered. 🙅

Capital_Armadillo780 | Capital_Armadillo780

A helpful NTA suggests bedside commode or PureWick to save relationships 👍

No_Leopard_9523 | No_Leopard_9523

Husband needs to step up and help his mother. You're NTA 👍

smalltowncountrylady | smalltowncountrylady

Incontinence pants vs. every hour bedpan: NTA wins, MIL & husband lose 😂

KtKi10 | KtKi10

Encouragement to caregiver to prioritize self-care and husband's involvement. 🙌

Maximum-Mode2757 | Maximum-Mode2757

Husband called out for lack of help, solutions suggested 👍

Active-Ad4429 | Active-Ad4429

Caregiver shares NTA experience of caring for grandparents and suggests bringing in night help or finding proper care for MIL.

krissi510 | krissi510

Professional help needed for disabled MIL, NTA.

Helgardh | Helgardh

Caregiving is tough. NTA suggests a vacation and MIL needs medical attention.

xxfemalehuman | xxfemalehuman

Diaper suggestion for disabled MIL sparks cost-saving debate. NTA.

Few-Afternoon-6276 | Few-Afternoon-6276

Sensible suggestion for caregiver and criticism of son's behavior. 💪

Auntienursey | Auntienursey

NTA. Your husband needs to step up and take responsibility. 💪

TimeSovereign | TimeSovereign

NTA suggests a practical and cost-effective solution for caregiver's dilemma. 💪

tayakb | tayakb

NTA. Suggests taking a well-deserved vacation and getting MIL a caregiver.

6poundpuppy | 6poundpuppy

Suggests seeking medical help and assisted living options 🚡

Whycantihavethatone | Whycantihavethatone

Caring for disabled MIL may require full care facility. NTA.

catsmom63 | catsmom63

Commode recommendation for disabled MIL, husband should help more 👍

YuGiOhPokemonStevie | YuGiOhPokemonStevie

Caregiving is exhausting, invest in bedside commode. NTA, consider in-home care.

Munchkin737 | Munchkin737

Helpful advice for NTA caregiver dealing with MIL's incontinence issue 👍

Crow_with_a_Cheeto | Crow_with_a_Cheeto

Demanding overnight aid, commenter takes no crap from husband. 💪

Divine_Mind257 | Divine_Mind257

Using incontinence aids preserves dignity, NTA judgement confirmed 👍

Shexleesh | Shexleesh

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