When Stepson Wouldn't Stop Peeing on the Toilet Seat, Mom Did THIS 😳

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Diply | Diply

🚽 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a bathroom battle of epic proportions on our hands! 😱 This mom and her daughters are at their wit's end with a certain stepson who seems to have a knack for leaving a trail of destruction in the family bathroom. 🙄 From urine-splattered seats to unflushed messes, this kid is pushing everyone's buttons. 😤 But wait, there's a twist! The daughter has had enough and decided to fight fire with fire... or should we say, fake blood? 🩸 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this bathroom drama! 😈

🚽 The Bathroom Battle Begins! 😱

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

👦 Meet the Messy Stepson 🙄

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🗣️ Pleas Fall on Deaf Ears 😤

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🚽 The Unflushed Menace 😡

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🙅‍♂️ Denial, Denial, Denial 🤥

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

💩 The Traumatic Discovery 😱

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

😱 The Stepson's Reaction 🤢

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🩸 The Daughter's Revenge Plot 😈

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🤷‍♀️ Mom's Approval? 😏

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🧠 No Excuses for Laziness 😒

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

😤 Something's Gotta Give 🤞

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

😱 The Stepson's Reaction: Part 2 🤢

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

💪 Sister Stands Her Ground 😤

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🤥 Dad Believes Son Tells No Lies 🙄

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🤷‍♀️ The Oblivious Parents 😒

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🧹 The Bathroom Cleaning Punishment 😈

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🚿 The Shower Terrorist 😱

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🛍️ The Shower Bag Solution 💡

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🆘 HELP! 😫

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

🚽 The Bathroom Battle Royale: Will Fake Blood Save the Day? 🩸

Well, well, well... it looks like this bathroom battle has reached a boiling point! 😱 The stepson's refusal to lift the toilet seat or flush has driven the family to their breaking point. 🤢 But the daughter has a plan: fight pee with fake blood! 🩸 Will this unconventional tactic finally teach the little terror a lesson? 🤔 The mom seems to think so, and she's giving her daughter the green light to continue the bloody charade. 😈 But wait, there's more! The stepson is also a shower terrorist, pouring out entire bottles of soap and bubble bath! 😱 The family has resorted to using shower bags to protect their precious products. 🛍️ It's a never-ending battle in this household, and we're all along for the ride. 🎢 Let's see what the internet has to say about this messy situation! 😏

Clean up your pee or clean up the bathroom 🤔

Low-Combination-8363 | Low-Combination-8363

Mom's creative punishment solves toilet seat peeing problem 😂

autumn_yellowrose | autumn_yellowrose

Cleaning duty might teach him to aim better! NTA 👍

Winter-Ad-1238 | Winter-Ad-1238

Mom embarrasses stepson to teach toilet seat etiquette 😳

bbbbbbbb678 | bbbbbbbb678

Enforcing responsibility with consequences. 👍

mossfae | mossfae

Mom's stepson pees on the seat, Redditors suggest a unique punishment

Charming-Raspberry77 | Charming-Raspberry77

When parenting gets messy...literally 🤯

No_Astronaut2795 | No_Astronaut2795

Support for mom's parenting and daughter's clever solution! 👏

TheLastMongo | TheLastMongo

Embarrassment works! 😳 Mom uses peer pressure to teach son.

Namshoke | Namshoke

Creative solution for a peeing problem 😂

AOWLock1 | AOWLock1

Parent suggests creative punishment for bathroom habits 😂

potenttechnicality | potenttechnicality

Parenting advice sparks debate on discipline strategies 🤔

EmptyPomegranete | EmptyPomegranete

Hilarious response to peeing on toilet seat, plus period advice 😂

cmasonbasili | cmasonbasili

Sibling rule: no pee on floor or your shirt is used 😳

wantsrobotlegs | wantsrobotlegs

Mom makes stepson clean bathroom after peeing on toilet seat 😂

learnedandhumbled | learnedandhumbled

Dad needs to step up his parenting game 🙅

190PairsOfPanties | 190PairsOfPanties

Savage revenge on a stepbrother's bad aim 🤪

SecretScavenger36 | SecretScavenger36

Sarcastic suggestion to ground stepson until he's potty trained 😳

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teach consequences, not blood mess wars for toilet training 😳

Zandor72 | Zandor72

Mom isn't the a**hole for getting creative with potty training 😳

Caramelcutie74 | Caramelcutie74

Learning creative parenting tips from toilet seat pee problem 🤓

Vivid_Raspberry_3731 | Vivid_Raspberry_3731

Teaching responsibility early with consequences. 🙌

UnlikelyUnknown | UnlikelyUnknown

Newspaper on the floor and time-stamped photos to deal with a lying housemate. 😅

werewere-kokako | werewere-kokako

Grandfather teaches grandson a lesson in responsibility 👍

Just_Tomorrow_8561 | Just_Tomorrow_8561

Punish him and teach him menstrual hygiene; don't shelter him. 😳

84WVBaum | 84WVBaum

Savage sibling revenge for a bathroom etiquette lesson 🚽👊

AlienGoddess91 | AlienGoddess91

Mom's fake blood prank to teach her son a lesson 😱

Capric0rpse- | Capric0rpse-

Supervised cleaning and peeing, plus a vision test suggestion. 😂

HardRockDani | HardRockDani

College guy's trick to keep bathroom clean suggested for stepson 🚽

PackagedNightmare | PackagedNightmare

Hilarious harmless prank for a bathroom etiquette lesson 😂

Chonjae | Chonjae

Suggests a hilarious solution to deal with stepson's behavior. NTA.

Lucky-Guess8786 | Lucky-Guess8786

Honesty is the best policy, even when it comes to pee 🤓

myfatkat | myfatkat

A considerate perspective on the toilet seat debate 😊

GearsOfWar2333 | GearsOfWar2333

Satisfying revenge on a pee-on-the-seat stepson 😂

RiverS0ng21 | RiverS0ng21

Mom's solution to stepson's bathroom habits involves a lot of cleaning 😳

[deleted] | [deleted]

Locks on bathroom doors to restrict the little pissoir? 🤦‍♂️

Emotional-Stay-9582 | Emotional-Stay-9582

Humorous solution to stepson's toilet seat problem 😂

Fluffy-Doubt-3547 | Fluffy-Doubt-3547

Mom's clever solution to stepson's bathroom behavior gets approval 👍

Ravenkelly | Ravenkelly

One woman's solution to a filthy toilet seat 😳

Silver-Appointment77 | Silver-Appointment77

Breaking gender stereotypes and basic biology education for all! 💪

orangezeroalpha | orangezeroalpha

Empathetic commenter suggests target practice for reckless young pee-er 😳

GwamCwacka | GwamCwacka

Concerned comment urges safety check for misbehaving stepson 🚨

Old_Society_3463 | Old_Society_3463

Confusion over potty training for teen children 🤔

SLYockie | SLYockie

A humorous take on a frustrating situation 😂

TTNemesis | TTNemesis

Mom's daughter gets creative to teach stepson bathroom etiquette. NTA.

SleepingNerd | SleepingNerd

Mom enforces consequences for stepson's toilet seat behavior. 😳

Fabulous-Shallot1413 | Fabulous-Shallot1413

Teaching proper toilet etiquette and consequences for bad behavior. 🙌

O2B2gether | O2B2gether

Mom's solution to stepson's messy habits: make him sit to pee 😳

QuitFew751 | QuitFew751

Living with brothers who smoke and pee on seat - relatable 😂

hernameskris1993 | hernameskris1993

Teaching stepson hygiene like training a dog 😳

spiderjuaninspace | spiderjuaninspace

Lift the seat or clean the mess, NTA wins 💪

TheInfartinyGauntlet | TheInfartinyGauntlet

Make him clean it up properly 😳

Inevitable-Toe-6272 | Inevitable-Toe-6272

Mom takes creative measures to teach son bathroom etiquette. NTA.

Lost_Rule568 | Lost_Rule568

Teaching stepsons toilet etiquette with a tire flip punishment 😳

Notdesperate_hwife | Notdesperate_hwife

Lift both the cover and seat at the same time 🤔

JustLurkingandVibing | JustLurkingandVibing

Mom's tough love approach to stepson's mess sparks agreement.

Simple-Anxiety-9169 | Simple-Anxiety-9169

Mom's strict punishment for stepson's bad bathroom habits 😳

angelisfrommars | angelisfrommars

A mother found the perfect way to stop her husband from peeing on the toilet seat 😂

DrSoctopus | DrSoctopus

Redditor shares clever way to stop brother from peeing on toilet

11Petrichor | 11Petrichor

Mom's revenge for stepson's bad habit gets approval 👍

NeverCadburys | NeverCadburys

Stepson reacts badly to pee-covered toilet seat prank 😳

Daddyslillovebug | Daddyslillovebug

Mom's creative solution to son's bad aim 🤨

exhustedmommy | exhustedmommy

Setting boundaries with consequences for bathroom behavior 😳

Competitive_Sleep_21 | Competitive_Sleep_21

One commenter struggles with a grown child's terrible bathroom habits 😳

thatguy2476 | thatguy2476

Suggests punishment or therapy for stepson's 'assholish' behavior. 🤔

CJCreggsGoldfish | CJCreggsGoldfish

When lack of respect leads to separation 🤷

Time_Conference9082 | Time_Conference9082

Sibling revenge: leaving blood in toilet for disrespectful brothers 🤪

brimmybucktooth | brimmybucktooth

Sibling struggles with stepbrother's gross bathroom habits 😭

xXSkyyFoxXx | xXSkyyFoxXx

Toilet training is tough, don't put him down. NTA.

mayfeelthis | mayfeelthis

User advises against encouraging petty attacks in family disputes. 🙅

517714 | 517714

Lack of consequences for peeing on seat frustrates commenter 🤔

arob2724 | arob2724

Female friend's motive for not flushing questioned in NTA comment.

Terrible_Kiwi_776 | Terrible_Kiwi_776

A practical solution to the stepson's toilet troubles 🛤

Mad_Props_ | Mad_Props_

A controversial comment on discipline and parenting. 😐

MuthazButta | MuthazButta

Cleaning the bathroom and therapy for the family recommended. 🚽💺

black_mamba866 | black_mamba866

Mom made her son clean up after himself, now he's horrified 😱

Freshouttapatience | Freshouttapatience

Concerned commenter suggests therapy for stepson's bathroom issues 🙏

Discount_Historical | Discount_Historical

This commenter is done with boys' bathroom habits 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parenting fail leads daughter to take drastic measures 🤯

Rivka333 | Rivka333

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