Selfish Wife Won't Help Struggling Sister-In-Law with Kids 😠

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🤔 Family drama alert! 🚨 This husband is caught between a rock and a hard place. His wife has been through the wringer lately, battling depression and anxiety while juggling a stressful job and grad school. 😰 But things are looking up! She's graduated and landed an awesome new gig. 🎉 The only problem? His sister is desperate for childcare and thinks the wife should step in during her break before starting the new job. 👶 But there's a catch... the wife isn't exactly a kid person. 😬 Now the husband is facing major pressure from the fam to ask her anyway. What's a guy to do? 🤷‍♂️

😰 Wife's Mental Health Struggles

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

🎓 Juggling Work and School

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

🌟 Light at the End of the Tunnel

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Dinner and Childcare Woes

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

🚫 Daycare Dilemma

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

👪 Family Struggles to Help

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

💡 Sister's Bright Idea

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

😬 Uncomfortable Situation

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

👎 Wife's Dislike for Kids

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

🎁 Presents, Not Playtime

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

😠 Sister's Offense

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

🙅‍♂️ Husband's Hesitation

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

👨‍👩‍👧 Family Pressure

ordinaryprize7496 | ordinaryprize7496

🔥 Family Feud: Husband Refuses to Ask Wife to Babysit! 😱

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a good old-fashioned family standoff! 🤠 This poor husband is stuck in the middle of a childcare crisis. His sister is desperate for help, but his wife? Not exactly Mary Poppins. 🙅‍♀️ She's been through the wringer lately with work and school stress, and kids just aren't her thing. 🤷‍♀️ The husband knows asking her to babysit would be a disaster, but the family is putting on the pressure. 😤 They think he's wrong for not even asking. But is he really the bad guy here? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this sticky situation... 👀

NTA for not fulfilling an unasked request for babysitting 😞

Jazzlike_Humor3340 | Jazzlike_Humor3340

Struggling with saying no, but sister-in-law sounds entitled 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Family may pressure wife to help sister-in-law directly.

Dreamy_Literature101 | Dreamy_Literature101

It's not their responsibility to help with the kids 🙌

Equivalent-Fan6782 | Equivalent-Fan6782

Supportive comment, agrees with poster's decision, uses NTA acronym.

Such-Quarter278 | Such-Quarter278

Setting boundaries with family is important. NTA. 👍

grayfern | grayfern

NTA stands their ground against selfish sister-in-law request 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supporting spouse's decision - NTA comment

ADawg28 | ADawg28

NTA suggests a fair solution for watching the kids 👍

Somuchallthetime | Somuchallthetime

NTA, but wife would rather check into a hotel 🙄

avotoastwhisperer | avotoastwhisperer

Wife not obligated to watch sister-in-law's kids, NTA 😊

Algebralovr | Algebralovr

Setting boundaries with family over childcare. 🙌

Andie787 | Andie787

Curious about BIL's family and any issues with wife 👀

Right_Weather_8916 | Right_Weather_8916

Supportive comment advises immediate honesty and praises partner's actions. ❤️

CrazyOldBag | CrazyOldBag

User defends husband's decision, questions family's entitlement 🤔

Straysmom | Straysmom

NTA for standing your ground and saying no 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! 😍 Bless you for looking out for your wife! 👨‍👩‍👦 Watching 3 kids is a lot of work!!

mjoancg | mjoancg

Recommendation to go low contact with selfish family members 😠

NumbersGuy22 | NumbersGuy22

Polite request vs. presumptuous assumption 😐👍

Rooster_Local | Rooster_Local

Sister-in-law's entitlement sparks NTA verdict and agreement.

Suchafatfatcat | Suchafatfatcat

No obligation to babysit, NTA 🤷‍♂️

ExcitingEvidence8815 | ExcitingEvidence8815

NTA commenter slams entitled sister-in-law's childcare request 😠

Zoeyoe | Zoeyoe

NTA stands up for himself and wife against entitled sister-in-law 😏

Witty_Comfortable777 | Witty_Comfortable777

NTA. Having your spouse's back is important 👍

Cynic_Picnic | Cynic_Picnic

Sarcasm at its finest - the sister-in-law is definitely TA 😂

Only_Music_2640 | Only_Music_2640

Sister-in-law needs to learn boundaries. NTA stands their ground 👍

Emotional-Coast5117 | Emotional-Coast5117

Supportive comment defends wife and criticizes sister-in-law's motives 👏

SusanMShwartz | SusanMShwartz

Acknowledging boundaries in a relationship is beautiful 😍

Glenn_Coco69 | Glenn_Coco69

User defends wife's decision not to babysit sister-in-law's kids 😠

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

When your selfish wife won't help, just lie and move on. NTA 😎

empress-888 | empress-888

Stand your ground, protect your spouse, and don't feel guilty 🙅‍♂️

astudyingay | astudyingay

Live and let breed: No need to sacrifice for SIL's choices 😒

Flat-Story-7079 | Flat-Story-7079

Support for wife's decision to prioritize mental health and career goals.

Crazybutnotlazy1983 | Crazybutnotlazy1983

Support for NTA who refuses to babysit sister-in-law's kids

ZippyKoala | ZippyKoala

NTA! Kudos to you for standing up for your wife 👏

Individual_Brush_116 | Individual_Brush_116

Standing up for your partner against unreasonable family 👏

ARookBird | ARookBird

Respect your wife's boundaries, sis will be fine 😊

LadyPurpleButterfly | LadyPurpleButterfly

Spouse prioritizes wife's degree over entitled sister-in-law's demands 😎

EmpiricallyEthereal | EmpiricallyEthereal

Supporting wife's decision to not help with kids. 🚫👶

Disastrous_Fly3305 | Disastrous_Fly3305

Entertaining and infuriating thread on entitled parents. NTA verdict.

SwoleCriminal | SwoleCriminal

Don't assume ownership of someone's time 😒 NTA

Yandoji | Yandoji

Supporting wife's decision to not babysit with a twist 😎

ViolaVetch75 | ViolaVetch75

Sister-in-law asks for help, OP declines – NTA

BaffledMum | BaffledMum

NTA defends wife's decision to prioritize mental health over sister-in-law's kids 😠

mylifeaintthatbad | mylifeaintthatbad

Grandkids are great, but no babysitting for others 😜

tenaseechick | tenaseechick

Standing up for yourself guilt-free 💪🏽

Skinnypop22 | Skinnypop22

Support for prioritizing children's safety and mental health 👏

daniirae94 | daniirae94

Supportive comment, acknowledging the wife's struggles and offering congratulations 👏

lion_in_the_shadows | lion_in_the_shadows

Protecting mental health and responsibilities. Family doesn't understand. NTA 😊

Afterglow92 | Afterglow92

Offer sympathy and alternative ideas instead of outright refusal 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Wife not interested in childcare, mute judgmental family members.

LongNectarine3 | LongNectarine3

Refusing to pass on entitled request from in-laws. NTA 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Setting boundaries is important, even with family. 🙌

gymwolf01 | gymwolf01

NTA defends not helping sister-in-law with kids. 😠

flotiste | flotiste

Supportive comment validates decision to not babysit entitled sister-in-law's kids 👏

Historical_Fall1251 | Historical_Fall1251

NTA. Not obligated to be responsible for sister's childcare 😑

Teani2003 | Teani2003

Supportive comment suggests a holiday to celebrate wife's new job 🎉

GeekyFreak07 | GeekyFreak07

Defending spouse against entitled family demands 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Suggests a clever way to help sister-in-law without wife's help 😎

Hefty-Cat-868 | Hefty-Cat-868

No judgment here, 3 young children for a month? Hell no! 😏

Empressario | Empressario

NTA. Mind your own business. 🙅

Dogmother123 | Dogmother123

Supportive comment, virtual high five, and a heart emoji 👍🏻🍓💖

CraftyAd4308 | CraftyAd4308

NTA. Watching kids is a lot of work, and your wife needs downtime 😊

misskelly08 | misskelly08

Discussion on wife's decision not to help sister-in-law.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA shuts down entitled sister-in-law request 😎

Cyarsonix | Cyarsonix

NTA defends wife's actions in no-nonsense comment.

RainbowUnicornAngel | RainbowUnicornAngel

Prioritizing mental health is important. Communication is key 👍

Limerase | Limerase

No need to ask your wife for help, NTA.

takatine | takatine

Not obligated to help. Sister and BIL found a workaround.

No_Guarantee_6756 | No_Guarantee_6756

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