Woman REFUSES to Pay Reward to Man Who Found Her Lost Puppy... Because of THIS?! 😱

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a real doozy of a story for you today! 😲 Imagine losing your beloved puppy and searching high and low, only to have a kind stranger find them tangled in some brush. 🐶🙏 You'd be over the moon, right? Well, that's exactly what happened to our protagonist in this tale. But wait, there's a twist! 😱 The plot thickens when the man's mother gets involved, demanding the reward money. 💸 Is she just looking out for her son, or is there something shadier going on? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 🕵️‍♀️

🐶 Puppy Goes Missing, Owner's Desperate Search! 😢

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

🙏 Good Samaritan Finds Puppy Tangled in Brush! 🌿

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

😍 Overjoyed Owner Reunited with Lost Pup! 🐾

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💰 Owner Offers Reward, but Man Declines! 😇

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🤨 Plot Twist: Man's Mother Demands Reward! 💸

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

🧠 Mother Claims Son Has Brain Injury, Insists on Reward! 😲

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

🤔 Owner Suspects Mother's Motives, Feels Conflicted! 😕

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

😬 Owner Considers Ignoring Mother, Fears Being an A-hole! 😰

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💭 Owner's Dilemma: Give Reward to Mother or Son? 🤷‍♀️

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

🚨 Owner Suspects Mother's Shadiness, Wants to Reward Son! 🕵️‍♀️

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

🙅‍♀️ Owner Puts Foot Down, Refuses to Deal with Mother! 😤

southern-boot-5989 | southern-boot-5989

🐶 Lost Puppy Found, but Reward Drama Ensues! 💰😱

Well, well, well... looks like no good deed goes unpunished! 😅 Our protagonist was thrilled to be reunited with their lost puppy, thanks to a kind-hearted man who found the little furball tangled in some brush. 🐾🙏 But just when they thought the ordeal was over, the man's mother swooped in, demanding the reward money! 💸 She claimed her son has a brain injury and doesn't know what he's saying. 🧠😲 But our protagonist smells something fishy... 🐟👃 They suspect the mother just wants the cash for herself and refuses to deal with anyone but the son. 😤 Talk about a sticky situation! 😬 Let's see what the internet has to say about this puppy predicament... 🐶💭

Reward promised, reward deserved, confusion ensues. 🤔

peepingtomatoes | peepingtomatoes

Rewarding the man who found her puppy: NAH or NTA?

JegHaderStatistik | JegHaderStatistik

Reward drama! NTA says man deserves reward but mom disagrees 🤔

MillieHillie | MillieHillie

Don't force me to take the reward! NTA for refusing.

BlaineTog | BlaineTog

NTA insists on giving reward in person to man who found dog 👍

PleaseCoffeeMe | PleaseCoffeeMe

Keep your promise and offer the reward to the man 👍

jacksonlove3 | jacksonlove3

Honesty or Opportunism? NTA declines reward for lost puppy 🐶

corner_tv | corner_tv

Good deed goes unrewarded, mother wants free money? 😕

chris2oph | chris2oph

Doubtful about the finder's mom? Take cash, offer to man, donate. YWNBTA.

fuzzy_mic | fuzzy_mic

Keeping your promise is always the right thing to do 👍

Enough-Process9773 | Enough-Process9773

Dog owner refuses to pay reward to finder. NTA wins.

KronkLaSworda | KronkLaSworda

Man's good judgement questioned over lost puppy reward - NTA

Financial-Note-9308 | Financial-Note-9308

Reward for finder, not texter? NTA stands firm 🐶

nejnoneinniet | nejnoneinniet

Clear decision: NTA refused reward for finding lost puppy.

Marsdeeni90 | Marsdeeni90

Reward refusal leads to entitlement debate in lost dog saga

OkSilver7485 | OkSilver7485

Rescuing a lost dog is common human decency 🐶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Generous person receives mixed opinions for refusing a reward for finding a lost puppy. NTA 😊

nalto896 | nalto896

Logic prevails! Commenter defends woman accused of not paying reward.

HeyCanYouNotThanks | HeyCanYouNotThanks

User doubts man's story about brain injury, supports woman's decision.

JuliaX1984 | JuliaX1984

Skeptical of man's injury and suggests precautions before paying reward. 😔

PanamaViejo | PanamaViejo

Kind suggestion to clarify reward offer with finder before donating.

Trevena_Ice | Trevena_Ice

NTA. The man found the puppy and refused the reward. 👍🏼

lujza_blaha | lujza_blaha

Offer the reward again, don't let his mom affect you 😊

therealveryjosie | therealveryjosie

Offering a solution to the reward dispute with a hint of sass 😎

Motor_Business483 | Motor_Business483

NTA turns down reward, mother demands it later in shady text. 😒

blackravenmetal | blackravenmetal

Money-hungry mom tries to force reward on Good Samaritan. NTA wins.

Strange-Courage | Strange-Courage

Fair decision to give reward only to the man 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Compassionate response suggests possible resolution, avoids conflict. 🙌

TheVoiceofOlaf | TheVoiceofOlaf

NTA finds puppy, entitled owner refuses to pay reward. Block her.

Darkweeper | Darkweeper

Woman refuses to pay reward for lost puppy, commenter sides with man. NTA

kehlarc | kehlarc

NTA, keep pupper safe and forget about reward drama 🐶

thepananabread | thepananabread

Good Samaritan refuses reward for lost puppy, heartwarming 🐶

Brains4Beauty | Brains4Beauty

Offer declined, mother can't change it. Regret doesn't matter 🙄

dirkMcdirkerson | dirkMcdirkerson

Reward drama ends with NTA's assertive response 💪

HexStarlight | HexStarlight

Woman defends not paying reward for lost puppy, commenters agree.

FabulousOrdinary2 | FabulousOrdinary2

Reward drama: Mother refuses to pay hero for finding puppy

HotNThresh | HotNThresh

Reward money dilemma: NTA should give it to son 🤔

IanDOsmond | IanDOsmond

Good Samaritan refuses reward but mother demands it. NTA.

Isincerelydoubtit | Isincerelydoubtit

Legal analysis of reward refusal; suggests passive-aggressive Facebook response.

Benevolent-Snark | Benevolent-Snark

Reward refusal sparks debate over morality and obligations. NTA wins.

Fast_Information_810 | Fast_Information_810

Reward refusal sparks comment debate on generosity and entitlement 🤔

AdAncient3269 | AdAncient3269

Reward drama! NTA refuses to give woman any money.

Potential-Power7485 | Potential-Power7485

Woman refuses reward for lost puppy, commenter suggests solution

CurlyCurler | CurlyCurler

Reward drama resolved: NTA acknowledges the rightful recipient, suggestions given 👍

newfriend836639 | newfriend836639

No obligation to pay reward. Offer to return it politely 👍

TheOtter91 | TheOtter91

Late to NAH party, pay man but not ridiculous amount 👍

TooCool_TooFool | TooCool_TooFool

Reward should be given to the man. NTA, honor your offer. 👍

shuckyducked | shuckyducked

Rewarding the right person: NTA, deal with the man who found it 👍

Intermountain-Gal | Intermountain-Gal

NTA, donate reward to shelter instead. Cut ties with mom.

Hey_Blondie73 | Hey_Blondie73

Respect the guy's decision, drop it and move on 😒

Acceptable-Bag-7521 | Acceptable-Bag-7521

Reward refusal leads to family drama and blocked contact.

According_Play_6670 | According_Play_6670

Claim your reward! Ignore her 😎

Curious_Solution_763 | Curious_Solution_763

Good on the man for refusing reward, NTA moves on 🐶

jimbonezzz | jimbonezzz

Did they steal the puppy for reward money? A public meet-up suggested. 🤔

flowers4u | flowers4u

Offered reward for lost puppy refused, rightful owner involved. 😱

Revan1114 | Revan1114

Reward refused by rightful recipient. NTA, obligation met. 👏

Diasies_inMyHair | Diasies_inMyHair

Honor your word 👍 and give the reward for the lost 🐶

CptKUSSCryAllTheTime | CptKUSSCryAllTheTime

Compassionate comment about returning lost pets without expecting rewards. 🐶

LeafyCandy | LeafyCandy

Man finds woman's lost puppy, she offers reward, he declines. NTA.

Halien1990 | Halien1990

Man finds lost puppy but woman refuses to pay reward 🐶

skate1243 | skate1243

Offer reward directly to man, block the shady woman. NTA 👍

AugustWatson01 | AugustWatson01

Reward drama: Should the man with possible brain injury receive it? 😕

prince_of_cannock | prince_of_cannock

Reward refusal causes family drama. NTA takes the lead.

AtmosphereOk6072 | AtmosphereOk6072

Reward the man, be wary of his mom 🐕

londonmyst | londonmyst

Son returned the puppy, mom can't claim reward. 🐶💰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Donate to an animal shelter instead of rewarding the man! 🐈

Akiviaa | Akiviaa

Accepting kindness is not a transaction 👍

femmestem | femmestem

Creative solution suggested for rewarding lost puppy hero 👍

NuNu2901 | NuNu2901

Honesty over reward 👍

Aeliendil | Aeliendil

NTA and suggestions for reward money donation or conditions.

chad-bro-chill-69420 | chad-bro-chill-69420

Reward refusal drama: NTA offers reward, finder declines, mother demands?

Maximum-Ear1745 | Maximum-Ear1745

Man finds lost puppy, refuses reward, woman refuses to pay. NTA!

Laramila | Laramila

Mom's shady behavior and bizarre excuse for reward money.

TheSteelGeneral | TheSteelGeneral

"She didn't find squat." Man declines reward, woman outraged.

Sprigganzee | Sprigganzee

Beware of puppy scams 🚨

Embarrassed_Lion4433 | Embarrassed_Lion4433

Heartwarming comment about a lost puppy's safe return 😊

Misty-Far | Misty-Far

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