Bride's BFF Ghosts Her Before Wedding 😱 Friendship Over?!

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a wild ride ahead with this bride-to-be's tale of woe. 😱 Her bestie from way back agreed to be her maid of honor, but it seems like she's gone AWOL! 🕵️‍♀️ Despite the bride's best efforts to keep things chill and communicate, her MIA MOH has left her high and dry. 🏜️ No dress opinions, no party planning, not even a single text back! 📵 As the big day approaches, our bride is at her wit's end. 🤯 Will she have to demote her disappearing bestie? 😬 Let's dive in and see how this bridal drama unfolds! 🍿

🌸 Bride's BFF Blues: Maid of Honor MIA! 😰

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

🚨 Stress & Anxiety Alert: No Pressure Promise 🤞

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

😄 Excitement Turns to Radio Silence 📻🔇

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

📱 Texting into the Void: Bride Left on Read 😑

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

👗 Bridesmaid Dress Dilemma: Opinion MIA 🤷‍♀️

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

🎉 Bachelorette Party Planning Paralysis 😵

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

📝 Google Form Ghosting: Maid of Honor MIA 👻

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

😕 Bride's Dilemma: What to Do Next? 🤔

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

🚨 Update: 3 Month Ghosting Spree 👻😱

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

👗 Dress Distress: Did She Even Order It? 😰

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

😞 Depression & Privilege Accusations 🗣️

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

🤔 AITA for Asking Her to Step Down? 🙋‍♀️

lemmonpepperta | lemmonpepperta

🚨 Bridal Bestie Betrayal: Should MIA Maid of Honor Get the Boot? 👢

Well, well, well... looks like our bride-to-be is in quite the pickle! 🥒 Her childhood bestie agreed to be her maid of honor, but it seems like she's gone off the grid. 📡🚫 Despite the bride's best efforts to keep things low-key and communicate, her MIA MOH has left her hanging. 🪂 No dress opinions, no party planning, not even a single text back! 📵 As the big day approaches, our bride is at her breaking point. 🤯 To make matters worse, her ghosting bestie dropped a bombshell just a month before the bachelorette party, leaving the other bridesmaids in the lurch. 💣 And when confronted, she pulled the depression card and accused our bride of being privileged! 😲 Talk about a low blow. 🥊 Now, the question on everyone's mind: should this disappearing act of a maid of honor get the boot? 👢 Let's see what the internet has to say about this bridal bestie betrayal! 🌐

Maid of honor ghosts bride before wedding, NTA gives advice.

Mofukin_Irisden | Mofukin_Irisden

Kindly pass on wedding planning duties due to friend's anxiety

WebbieVanderquack | WebbieVanderquack

Giving tough love - valuable lesson for flaky friend. 👍

BhenChod247 | BhenChod247

Suggesting alternatives to keep the peace with former BFF 💁

pudge-thefish | pudge-thefish

Choosing a MOH who finds things stressful is a recipe for disaster 🤷‍♀️. Other bridesmaids might have to pick up the slack.

iwanttoquitposting | iwanttoquitposting

Let her know someone else is taking responsibilities. NTA 👍

Fastr77 | Fastr77

Mixed messages and stress lead to tough decision for bride.

biglionfan111 | biglionfan111

Sincere concern and communication can help resolve friendship issues. 👍

LarkScarlett | LarkScarlett

Find a maid of honor you can rely on 👍

Piper6728 | Piper6728

Have an open dialogue about delegating MOH duties 👍

sjyffl | sjyffl

Acknowledging the friend's shortcomings but still NTA for asking her to step down.

falselife47 | falselife47

Bridezilla alert! Commenter calls out bride for expecting free labor 💸🙅

Bergenia1 | Bergenia1

Maid of Honor duties debate sparks YTA judgement 🤨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bridezilla pressures friend into bridal party, calls her YTA.

FunFuture6669 | FunFuture6669

Weddings shouldn't be an excuse to exploit your friends 🙄

xgorgeoustormx | xgorgeoustormx

Irresponsible friend gets the boot. NTA 👏

AliveInCLE | AliveInCLE

NTA bride needs a different maid of honor 🙏

Twixxdaweedguru | Twixxdaweedguru

Supportive advice for a bride's flaky friend. 🤝

somechick_92 | somechick_92

Bridezilla alert! YTA for expecting free labor from MOH 😱

Hammaboo | Hammaboo

Giving grace period before removing bridesmaid. Good advice! 👍

LovemeaLovin | LovemeaLovin

Respect your friend's limitations and don't set them up to fail 👍

woman_thorned | woman_thorned

Choose your MOH based on who will help and support you 💜

tidepodchamp | tidepodchamp

Choosing a MOH with severe stress and anxiety? 🤦‍♀️

shitinthemicrowave82 | shitinthemicrowave82

Bridezilla? Commenter calls out bride for bad faith planning.

Good_Boat8761 | Good_Boat8761

Overcoming anxiety as a maid of honour. Important job, scary bits.

ResponsibilityOk5171 | ResponsibilityOk5171

Consider your friend's mental health before asking her to step down. 🤔

SunshineSeriesB | SunshineSeriesB

Let her have the title and do everything without her 📲

MissPricklyUnicorn | MissPricklyUnicorn

Bridezilla alert! YWBTA. Be considerate and don't revoke an honor.

MoreCleverUserName | MoreCleverUserName

Give the benefit of the doubt and check in 🤔📞

Momo222811 | Momo222811

Choosing an unwilling MOH is a recipe for disaster 🤷‍♀️

Strider-SnG | Strider-SnG

Solving problems together is the essence of true friendship 💜

[deleted] | [deleted]

Anxiety is tough, but lack of communication isn't excusable. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sensible advice on handling MOH responsibilities without causing drama 👍

Illustrious-Horse276 | Illustrious-Horse276

MoH is a position of honor, not free labor. YTA.

lovetoread_87 | lovetoread_87

Honesty is the best policy 🙌 Have a gentle talk with her.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Offering a solution with empathy and support. NTA 👍

hecknono | hecknono

Loving firing needed for MOH who ghosted bride-to-be. NTA 😍

Magus_Corgo | Magus_Corgo

If a friend's not putting in effort, it's okay to replace.

Serenity_Owl | Serenity_Owl

Choosing a different MOH would have been a better decision 👍

Sallyjo2572 | Sallyjo2572

Bridezilla alert? Comment suggests ulterior motives for BFF's absence 🤔

sindyisdatchu | sindyisdatchu

Stepping down from a wedding? NTA, anxiety is tough 🙌

SadMaryJane | SadMaryJane

Appoint a co-MoH to get things moving and avoid stress 👍

Itsajerseything224 | Itsajerseything224

Bridesmaid shares experience with unhelpful MOH and advises bride to talk to her friend

corkysoxx | corkysoxx

Understanding NTA bride gracefully lets anxious friend off hook 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being a MOH can be overwhelming, communication is key 📱

Oscars_Grouch | Oscars_Grouch

Is the MOH bailing or just not up for it? 🤔

katepig123 | katepig123

Sensible advice on handling a flaky MOH. Congrats bride-to-be! ❤️

Emmyxo212 | Emmyxo212

NTA. Honest advice for a bride dealing with a flaky friend 😊

Top_Detective9184 | Top_Detective9184

Polite suggestion to replace ghosted maid of honor 👍

Kittyknowshow | Kittyknowshow

Just replace her as MOH, no need to confront her 👍

Lesbefriends_2 | Lesbefriends_2

Preserve dignity and tread lightly to save the friendship. 🤓

OptmstcExstntlst | OptmstcExstntlst

NTA Bride regrets not delegating tasks to MoH at wedding 😅

mekareami | mekareami

No bachelorette or bridal shower? Find a happy helper instead! 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Suggests a considerate way to avoid stressing out friends. 👍

SilverRoseBlade | SilverRoseBlade

Clear expectations are key in bridal party roles 🙌

Iamspartacus81 | Iamspartacus81

Being NTA doesn't always mean the friendship is saved 😢

Objective-Ant-6797 | Objective-Ant-6797

Lazy MOH gets fired by bride. NTA, friend should help.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Handling a ghosting MOH with grace and maturity 👏

sparksgirl1223 | sparksgirl1223

A regretful ex-BFF shares advice on how to handle a similar situation 😞

CriminelleDefense | CriminelleDefense

Relief or disappointment? Mental health over wedding responsibilities. 🤷‍♀️

AppropriateEar06 | AppropriateEar06

BFF loses Maid of Honor role and ghosts bride, but behaves at wedding 😱

Amberleh | Amberleh

Guy asks for maid of honor duties, supports NTA verdict.

Advanced-Lettuce3540 | Advanced-Lettuce3540

Wedding advice for a NTA bride with missing bridesmaid.

LhasaApsoSmile | LhasaApsoSmile

Bridesmaid shares MOH responsibilities, but not decorating skills 😂

CoffeeAndCats2000 | CoffeeAndCats2000

Bridesmaid suggests group planning to avoid MOH feeling alienated 👯

number1dog | number1dog

Sensitive reply seeks explanation for friend's behavior 🤔

Accomplished_Area311 | Accomplished_Area311

Bridesmaid empathizes with planning stress, suggests alternate MOH arrangements. ❤

TootlesFTW | TootlesFTW

Understanding friend's limitations, no a-hole here 🙏

blanchekitty | blanchekitty

Bride and friend both suck for lack of communication 😕

B0r0B1rd | B0r0B1rd

Don't make maid of honor a job and let others plan 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Delegate duties to bridesmaids, don't strip her of position. 👍

UrsaGeorge | UrsaGeorge

Replace unreliable maid of honor? NTA. 💁‍♀️

qluder | qluder

Bride's friend not pulling weight, make other arrangements 🤷‍♀️

Syrinx221 | Syrinx221

Delegate planning, set deadlines, confront friend, NTA 😊

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

Offer another role, try to talk again, there might be more.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bride considers demoting friend who ghosted her before wedding. 🤔

SanoSS7 | SanoSS7

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