He Won $1,500 But Gave Greedy GF Only $200 of $3K He Owes Her 💰😠

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy tale of love, money, and betrayal that'll make your head spin! 😵 Meet our unlucky-in-love protagonist, a gamer with a heart of gold and a wallet full of debt. 💸 His girlfriend, the generous lender turned ruthless debt collector, has him caught between a rock and a hard place. 😰 Will a lucky lottery win be his ticket to freedom, or will it tear their relationship apart? 🎫💔 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♂️

🚨 Girlfriend Lends a Helping Hand... With Strings Attached! 😬

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😰 Pressure Mounts as Girlfriend Tightens the Screws! 🔩

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🎮 Gamer's Dilemma: Pay the Girlfriend or Feed the Hobby? 🤔

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💸 Bills Come First, But a Little Fun Money Never Hurts! 😉

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🤝 Loan Agreement Gone Awry: Girlfriend Changes the Rules! 😠

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🍝 Boyfriend Foots the Bill While Girlfriend Counts Her Cash! 💰

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🎉 Lottery Win Sparks Relationship Drama! 🎰

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💸 Girlfriend Demands Debt Payment Over Emergency Savings! 😤

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🤑 Who's Really Relying on Whom? Boyfriend Calls Out Girlfriend's Financial Dependence! 😲

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🗣️ Heated Argument Leads to Icy Silence! ❄️

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🤷‍♂️ Emergency Fund or Debt Payment? Boyfriend Questions His Choices! 🆘

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🎰 Lottery Win Leads to Relationship Meltdown! 💥

Well, well, well... looks like our gamer boyfriend hit the jackpot, but his girlfriend is far from thrilled! 😬 Instead of celebrating his lucky break, she's demanding he fork over the cash to pay off his debt to her. 💸 Talk about a buzzkill! 😒 But wait, there's more! Turns out, our guy has been footing the bill for their dates and adventures, all while his girlfriend sits on a pile of money like a dragon guarding its treasure. 🐉 The nerve! 😤 Now, the lovebirds are locked in a bitter standoff, with the boyfriend questioning his financial choices and the girlfriend giving him the silent treatment. 🙊 Let's see what the internet has to say about this messy situation! 🌐

Man calls GF greedy after loaning him 3k interest-free 🤷🏻‍♂️ but later comments suggest NTA 🤷🏻‍♂️. He still needs to pay her back.

smashbrawlguy | smashbrawlguy

YTA for prioritizing hobbies over paying debt and girlfriend.

ReferredByJorge | ReferredByJorge

Pay your debts! Don't take advantage of your girlfriend's generosity! 💸

WebbieVanderquack | WebbieVanderquack

NTA for not giving greedy girlfriend all of winnings 💰

HoldMyDonut | HoldMyDonut

NTA. OP is being financially responsible and reasonable.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Create a repayment plan and pay on time, restore good faith 💰

PrairieDogStromboli | PrairieDogStromboli

Taking her money and not paying back. YTA. 😠

SpicyMustFlow | SpicyMustFlow

YTA. You're entitled to use your money as you please, but don't act like your girlfriend is greedy or unfair for wanting her money back after she helped you out in a time of need. 💰

R3dIsMyFav | R3dIsMyFav

Financial abuse alert! Keep track of all spending and RUN! 💥

Mikethunder27 | Mikethunder27

You agreed to pay her back and you are doing so. NTA 👍

LAKingsofMetal | LAKingsofMetal

NTA. Comment suggests fundamental incompatibility with GF's money management. 💸

Distinct-Confusion | Distinct-Confusion

Creative solutions for debt repayment without sacrificing all 'fun' activities. #NTA

NonaDiAngelo | NonaDiAngelo

NTA: Clear expectations and repayment plan should be laid out.

Thatisnotmyprobleman | Thatisnotmyprobleman

NTA. GF seems manipulative and guilt-trips you over debt. Take control.

clairoobscur2 | clairoobscur2

NTA for prioritizing emergency fund, but need to address relationship issues 👍

papabean05 | papabean05

NTA. GF mooches off you, yet demands full loan repayment? 🤔

Asriel-Chase | Asriel-Chase

NTA. Relationship with financial control issues. Keep emergency fund.

pendingsweet | pendingsweet

NTA defends enjoying his lottery winnings and questions girlfriend's motives.

pumakittycat | pumakittycat

Re-payment terms agreed upon, NTA. Money is yours 💰

Wader_Man | Wader_Man

Reader calls out financial and emotional abuse, advises rethinking relationship.

stellablue925 | stellablue925

NTA prioritizes personal finance, not greedy girlfriend. 💰

SeaTurtle90 | SeaTurtle90

Emergency fund and hobbies are important, NTA for not giving extra 💰

shortcurlywitch | shortcurlywitch

NTA. Keep paying back steadily and keep an emergency fund 💰

808_Lion | 808_Lion

Stop spending on her, pay off debt or dump her 💰

seba_make | seba_make

User calls out irresponsible behavior and greed. YTA.

Cocoasneeze | Cocoasneeze

Confusion around loan amount and conflicting accusations of greediness. ESH.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Debtor defends reasonable payments and expenses, calls out unreasonable expectations. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Financial abuse is not acceptable in any relationship. 👍

j_ives | j_ives

NTA. Lending money to family/friends requires realistic expectations. 💰

AKJ1820 | AKJ1820

NTA. He's paying for everything, why should he give more?

UnsocialablySocial | UnsocialablySocial

Tips for settling financial disputes in a relationship 💰

DanAffid | DanAffid

Money issues can ruin relationships. ESH needs a rational discussion 🤔

Zafjaf | Zafjaf

Getting a loan from the bank vs your girlfriend 💰. NTA, lesson learned.

Mandajolene123 | Mandajolene123

NTA, grow a backbone and evaluate if this relationship's worth it 💪

iahawkeyehoncho | iahawkeyehoncho

Gender bias in judgement pointed out in financial abuse situation ⚖️

billybobhoe133 | billybobhoe133

A relationship built on loans and greed is bound to fail 😒

DrHob0 | DrHob0

NTA, respectez les termes et remboursez comme convenu. Ne réempruntez pas.

marigold2b | marigold2b

Reader requests more details for context in comment section.

marigold2b | marigold2b

Lesson learned: don't borrow money from family/SOs/friends! 👍

Pocket-or-Penny | Pocket-or-Penny

Both parties are at fault for not agreeing on terms. 🙅🤦‍♂️

hobalotit | hobalotit

NTA, but tell her to start paying her share 💰

Sunsolsun | Sunsolsun

NTA. Pay her back and dump her, she's taking advantage 💰

Arms1983 | Arms1983

NTA. The loan is being paid back quickly. Girlfriend is greedy 👍

ArcticSunset | ArcticSunset

Details missing, but most agree: NTA, man 👍

OliverCrowley | OliverCrowley

Splitting rent and bills may solve the problem. #NTA

2catsaretheminimum | 2catsaretheminimum

A fair question. Is food included in the loan agreement?

Abikdig | Abikdig

NTA, pay her off and never borrow again, keep winnings private 💰

EmeeBea | EmeeBea

Pay back the loan and subtract for gifts, communicate it 🤷‍♂️

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

GF forced a 'loan' upon him, increased it for expensive bed, and used it to pay for a trip with friends. NTA.

david_truffmen | david_truffmen

Concerned commenter questions OP's repayment plan for greedy girlfriend.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA commenter supports OP against sister's unfairness. 💯

bigchirp67 | bigchirp67

NTA, reasonable to not give everything. Power dynamic issue.

jzbs | jzbs

Stick to the payment plan, NTA. Emergency money is important 👍

Ellendyra | Ellendyra

NTA but discuss budget and her contributing to living expenses 💰

munchkinmother | munchkinmother

Lending money to a loved one comes with risks but you do it because you care ❤️

Lady_Paks | Lady_Paks

Debt doesn't give control over someone's earnings. NTA 👍

dildobugginz | dildobugginz

Financial abuse? NTA for not paying for GF's expenses.

Inallea | Inallea

Partner demanding full debt payment despite already being paid in kind. NTA

goldenislandsenorita | goldenislandsenorita

Girlfriend isn't contributing financially and is using him. NTA 👏

NJ2CAthrowaway | NJ2CAthrowaway

NTA for wanting to pay back loan on your own terms 💰

lemlurker | lemlurker

Prioritize paying off debt like you would with a bank. NTA 👍

BrazenRaizen | BrazenRaizen

Don't let her gaslight you. Get a loan to pay back 💰

HeidiCat1993 | HeidiCat1993

NTA, GF loaned money to have control, not contribute.

Moegooner88 | Moegooner88

Uneven spending and repayment, ESH. Start splitting expenses and bills. 💰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Debate over who's TA in a loan dispute 🤔

znhamz | znhamz

NAH, commenter wouldn't ask partner for money, but monthly payments made.

Dovahkiinkv1 | Dovahkiinkv1

Confusing math aside, paying off the debt should be priority 💰

michacu | michacu

Man borrows $3K from GF, wins $1.5K but gives her $200. YTA.

JadedSlayer | JadedSlayer

Financial abuse isn't love. Take your time, NTA 👍

bonebullet | bonebullet

Confused comment seeking clarification on unclear arrangement and expenses.

TigerUSF | TigerUSF

Set boundaries and split expenses with greedy girlfriend. 💰

sirlancelotgable | sirlancelotgable

OP is seeking advice on legal and moral grounds. NTA 👍

zerodyme87 | zerodyme87

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