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12+ Women Who Brought Enough Attitude To Share With The Entire Class

Look, I'm not saying I have an attitude problem, but I definitely have a hard time biting my tongue if something (or someone) is really bothering me.

Okay, maybe I have a bit of a problem.

But what's so wrong with having a lil' attitude? Personally, I think we could all use a bit more attitude in our lives, even if we aren't actually very bold ourselves.

If you're lacking in that department, I suggest you check out Twitter, because it's literally overflowing with unfiltered 'tude, especially from women. Hey, these ladies have something to say, and you bet they're going to say it.

At least she said sorry?

If I'm ever super late to something, y'all can just carry on without me because odds are I decided not to come and also decided not to give anyone a heads up about that.


I just moved in with my boyfriend and he found an entire box of his things marked with my name on it.

But he needs to realize that we now share everything. Well, everything he owns anyway. Don't you be trying to steal my socks.

Can someone please teach them?

Men also don't seem to understand the difference between dish towels and decorative kitchen towels.

If it looks pretty, please don't try and mop up spills with it!

I always come empty-handed.

But I'd be more than happy to mooch off whatever everyone else brought to the table. Charisma, ambition, dedication — y'all sharing, right?


I don't care what was going to come after that. Just stop and go find yourself a new boyfriend because that sentence doesn't belong in anyone's mouth.

It's out of my hands.

I did my best but clearly whatever demon is inside of you doesn't care that I've politely "blessed you" twice now.

Who does she think she is?

I'm so glad I spent all that money buying fresh vegetables and actual herbs but I think we're just going to go ahead and have boxed macaroni and cheese again tonight.

Care to answer?

How about they start doing this for a change, and calling each other "smiley" ironically, and telling their buddies they're prettier when they smile?

Let's all just sit back and watch the world explode together.

That's it.

I also like this user's reply to this tweet where they wrote, "And the term 'age appropriate' needs to die."

That needs to happen ASAP too.

Our L O V E story <3

I knew that he was it. He was my prince, my knight, my Romeo. At long last, I'd found the one.

Who says romance is dead?

We all like stupid things.

Lets just enjoy our stupid things and move on with our lives because the dumbest thing we do as a society is make fun of each other for simply liking something someone else thinks is basic.

We all basic.

I'd need to seriously rest after that nonsense.

I don't understand how people still think it's somehow O.K. to watch videos or listen to music in public without headphones but here we are and I am not O.K. with that.

Here's looking at you, Rose.

I mean, we can all pretend that she was just dreaming that scene at the end of the movie but if she actually died, then I just feel bad for her husband because no one deserves getting literally ghosted like that in the afterlife.


Second of all, I don't like your tone. You're lucky I'm coming at all.