Instagram | @kourtneykardashian

Kourtney Kardashian Claps Back Fan Who Said She Looked Pregnant After She Gained 'A Few Extra Pounds'

Kourtney Kardashian is about done with rude people leaving rude comments about her body on her Instagram pics!

Newflash, ladies and gentleman, commenting on a woman's Insta pic saying "OMG IS SHE PREGNANT???!!!!" is helllllla rude and insensitive for a host of reasons (it can trigger weight struggles, infertility issues, etc) so I'm gonna need you to all agree to stop behaving this way, mmmmkay?!!!

This is lifestyle brand owner, reality star and mom of three, Kourtney Kardashian:

If Kourt is known for anything, it is her IDGAF attitude and her ability to give the most savage clapbacks. That's what happens when you grow up with sisters, lol.

Kourtney is very open about her passion for living a healthy lifestyle, which includes a gorgeous workout routine.

There is no denying the oldest Kardashian sister is hella in shape and looks amazing, sweetie.

That's why it was absolutely insane when one fan left a comment on Kourt's latest bikini selfie speculating that she was pregnant.

I know right, who does that?!

Of course, Kourt wasn't having any of it and let the fan know how rude it was of her to say.

In response to the *SHE'S PREGNANT" comment, Kourtney wrote: "This is me when I have a few extra pounds on, and I actually love it."

Instagram | @commentsbycelebs

"I have given birth three amazing times and this is the shape of my body."

YAS MAMA! To tell her EXACTLY what a wonderful blessing it is to be a momma bear!

Instagram | @kourtneykardashian

What a great reminder to women everywhere! Our bodies are amazing and capable of literally MAKING LIFE!

So pls, remember that the next time you want to leave a v insensitive comment like that, again!

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