10+ Moments From 'How I Met Your Mother' That Definitely Didn't Age Well

How I Met Your Mother might be a popular sitcom with a lot of hilarious moments, along with some endearing ones, but it is already outdated in many ways.

The series made some jokes that were homophobic, racist, and sexist, and it specifically had a problem with making light of sexual harassment.

Here are 10+ moments from How I Met Your Mother that definitely didn't age well.

While *How I Met Your Mother* is one of the most beloved shows of all time, many people on the internet feel that perhaps it wasn't always the kindest show out there.

There were a lot of moments that definitely rubbed people the wrong way.

Everyone, of course, can still love the show and still watch it with a critical eye, just like this Twitter user did! At the end of the day, not every show will sit right with everyone!

1. The way Barney manipulated women to sleep with him.

A lot of fans loved Barney at the beginning, but over time, found that all he did was manipulate and trick women.

These moments were definitely not well received by a large portion of the internet.

2. Jokes about transgender people.

This Twitter user pointed out that a lot of the show is just a bad joke after bad joke, and could offend a number of people who are watching.

It can't be easy for the LGBT+ community.

3. The fat-shaming of Patrice.


The series had a troubling trend of degrading women in many ways, and there was a lot of fat-shaming.

Patrice was treated as undateable because she wasn't thin. It's just another way the series sent the message that women were only there to look good.

4. Ranjit was a racist stereotype.

There are some fans of the show who feel that Ranjit was portrayed in a racist way.

Others on the internet disagree and actually find him hilarious, so clearly, there are some split opinions.

5. Barney's homophobic comment to Marshall.


During the episode "Okay Awesome," Barney makes a homophobic remark to Marshall saying, "Who knew being in a committed heterosexual relationship could make a guy so gay?"

This is just one instance of homophobia on the show.

6. How the show handled Robin not wanting to have children.

A number of fans feel that giving Robin kids in the show hurt her character development.

She was very adamant that she never wanted children, so when that was taken away, fans felt it reinforced the idea that all women want children.

7. The iconic playbook

A lot of fans have issues with Barney's playbook, but acknowledge that he became a better man the more he walked away from it.

But so many of the rules and guidelines he wrote in there don't sit right with people.

8. Lily and Robin would slut-shame other women often.


There is a ton of this that happens on the show, and it actually doesn't always come from the men!

The women do the same thing to other women, which can be quite disheartening.

9. Ted making Robin get rid of her dogs.

A lot of fans didn't like this point of the show.

They thought it was super manipulative and rude of him, and that Robin should have walked away right then and there.

10. Barney pretending to be a lesbian


Fans were extremely upset with this storyline and for many, [it ruined the show.](

They felt that the show was picking on a marginalized community, and that it never should have been written in the first place.

11. When Robin said women deserved to be assaulted if they were "dumb" enough...


In the "Playbook" episode, Robin says that if girls are dumb enough to fall for the playbook, "they have it coming."

Fans were really unhappy with this, as they felt she was blaming victims of assault and coersion.

12. The "Crazy Eyes" theory.

This one definitely divides people!

The theory is that you can always tell if a woman is crazy by her eyes, and if you see it, you have to run. Some people thought it was hilarious, others not so much.

13. The characters dressing up in yellowface.


In the episode, "Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment In Slapmarra," Ted and other characters dress up as Chinese people in a very stereotypical and harmful way.

Fans immediately called the show out for this mistake.

14. The fact that Barney thinks he once "sold a woman."


While this was played as a joke, fans all over the internet were super unhappy with the line.

He seems to be the most divisive character on the entire show.