
Woman's Viral Lesson Solves Common Christmas Card Mistakes Once And For All

Do you still write handwritten holiday cards? I do, too. Isn't it such a wonderful tradition? I honestly never want to stop doing it.

However, I admit, even though I'm a writer, grammar can still get the best of me. So I was thrilled when I stumbled upon this lady's post, which explains the common grammar mistakes we should all avoid when it comes to our Christmas cards.

Wouldn't it be cool if we all got a quick holiday card grammar lesson?

Well, voilà, there you have it, guys. Heather Breedlove Nianouris shared an awesome lesson with all her Facebook followers because she couldn't stand grammar mistakes on holiday cards.

Heather decided to demystify common mistakes she sees when people address their Christmas cards.

She shares grammar tips like these every year because grammar mistakes on holiday cards are one of her pet peeves. Aren't they for all of us, huh? Okay, maybe they aren't your pet peeves, but they definitely are mine, ha, ha!

Heather's tips from her video are in an easily digestible format to prevent us all from making these mistakes, and I thank her for that.

The first thing she wanted to make clear is that no apostrophe is needed before the "S" when addressing the entire family. How many of you are guilty of doing this?

Also, she really wanted to hammer home that you should never, ever add an apostrophe before the "S". Never! Don't do it, or else Heather will track you down.

I mean, why would you spend hours scouting the prefect photo shooting location?

Then, when you find the ultimate photo to use for your card, you ruin it by misspelling something when you go to write the note? That doesn't make much sense to me at all.

You absolutely wouldn't want to do that? Would you?

The last thing you want to do is to misspell the name of the family to whom you're sending the card. Am I right? Now, with this lesson, you won't make that mistake — again!

The good news is that in many cases, when addressing a family, all you need to do is add an "S" to the end of their name.

And what about those tricky last names? How do you handle them, huh?

I think you definitely need to take note of what Heather has to say. I wouldn't be able to explain the intricacy of all that, ha, ha!

It looks like in some cases, you need to add "ES" to the end of the family's name. Oh, now I get it.

Sounds simple enough, right?

There are a few more exceptions to these rules, but it doesn't seem too complicated, right?

Well, I would like to see you write your Christmas notes now. I hope you can remember all these tips. When in doubt, save these pictures for future use. I think that might be a good idea.

I, for one, appreciate this lesson in grammar.

But I might be slightly biased because I do write for a living, ha, ha! I think it's never a bad thing to want to improve one's writing and that's what I'm sticking with.

So what do you think of this post?

Is it helpful advice, or do you feel like you've been caught by the grammar police? Ha, ha! I think for most people, it can go either way. Some will appreciate it and some will be annoyed by it.