
18+ People Who Decided To Laugh About 2020

2020 has hit a lot of us pretty damn hard, and it's easy to see why. I mean...well, just turn on the news or look out of the window.

So, as the end of this year crawls into sight, please enjoy these 18+ people who made hilarious observations about 2020.

Go Home, Hands, You're Drunk!

I saw this coming in fairness, but that's just because my hands are terrible alcoholics.

"The new 'Dog ate my homework' excuse for 2020."

I much prefer this modern take on the classic "Dog ate my homework" excuse. Just look at that little bird, he looks so pleased with himself!

The Only Appropriate Form Of Correspondence...

I feel like you aren't really emailing in 2020 if you aren't expressing good wishes about someone's health. It just doesn't feel natural.

"This raccoon just chillin'. Because of all the crap that has been happening, this might be one of the more normal things I have come across in 2020."

I think that I may have just found my new spirit animal. This little guy is radiating the exact same energy as a lot of us right now I feel.

"Got a 2020 quarter and it's a freaking bat. Nothing says 2020 like a bat, I suppose."

"So, Dave, you went with the bat design?"


"In hindsight, it probably wasn't..."

"I know!"

Is it Genuine Quarantine?

I don't really think that I can taste the difference between them though, they both taste like boredom and midday whiskey.

"2020 professional attire."

At least this Zoom attire shows that someone is giving it a go, better than the people who just say, "Oh, my camera isn't working," while they sit there in their dressing gown.

"2020 is so messed up, even the rainbows can't get it right."

Wow, 2020 is trying its hardest here to remain positive, but it just can't quite commit to it.

"Started my 2020 Christmas list early this year..."

I mean, sadly, based on how 2020 has been going so far, there doesn't seem to be any signs of it letting up any time soon.

"The UK is in high spirits!"

If you can find ways to turn the rest of the lyrics into Covid-related themes then give me your best attempts below!

"Apparently someone thought 1620 was a b*tch year as well."

Maybe the '20s are just cursed no matter what decade it is. Hopefully not though, as I don't think I can cope with another nine years of this.

"Now that sums up 2020 right there."

I think that this might actually be too positive a depiction of 2020. At least you can still have a cake at the end of this fiasco, 2020 does not taste so sweet.

"Who's ready for Christmas 2020?"

Ah yes, a happy Christmas tree burning furiously to the ground does seem to be the only appropriate decoration for this year, doesn't it?

"Made The Most 2020 Halloween Costume I Could Think Of."

The fact that they took this picture in front of a public bathroom only adds to the despondent and quietly saddening state of affairs.

That's Understandable...

Why would you want to read books about the post-apocalypse anyway right now. Surely the point of reading a good book is to escape from reality?

*Spooky 2020 Sounds...*

"What did you dress up as?"

"Just myself."


"Because my life is a living nightmare right now."

"Yeah...that scans."

Quarantine Is Starting To Hit Even Harder...

In fairness, I can think of a lot of worse ways to spend your time these days than playing Uno with a chicken, and that in itself says a lot about how this year has been going.

2020 In The Discount Bin Where It Belongs!

In fact, it's a miracle they even graced the discount bin with these abominations, they should have been burned!

"The frustration of 2020!"

"Sorry, boss, I can't work from home today."

"Why not?"

"The cat simply won't allow it."

"That's understandable."

"My wife made 2020 toilet paper ornaments."

Surely, if they wanted it to be accurate, they would only have made one toilet paper ornament, and had two people in hazmat suits fighting over it?