
12+ Tweets About Costco That Are Better Than The Free Samples

Ah, Costco. If you've ever shopped there you probably have a love and hate relationship with this retailer. I know I do. On one hand, I love it because I can score good deals but on the other, I hate it because I need to buy so much stuff as if I'm about to feed an army.

And turns out these people feel the same way, too.

1. When You Finally Feel Like A Real Adult

Ha, ha, ha! Isn't it so satisfying when you finally get your Gold Star Member Costco membership card? You've arrived!

2. When You're In A New Relationship

Twitter | @MattOswaltVA

And I'm not talking about a dating relationship. I'm talking about the important stuff like becoming a Costco member. That's more like it.

3. When Seasons Don't Matter

If you're a Costco member you know that seasons don't matter when it comes to stocking up on Halloween or Christmas in July or August.

4. Don't Get Distracted

Twitter | @Briefslayer

Yeah, right? That's easy to say but so much harder to do. All those product samples have you made you forget what you actually came for.

5. When You're An Amateur

Hey, sometimes I do shop there but other times I just come for the free samples. I can't help it. I want them all.

6. When You Know Your Priorities

Twitter | @CelebrityChez

OMG, how many times you went to Costco only to buy something you totally didn't need and spend way too much money on it?

7. When You Fall In Love

Oh oh, perhaps it wasn't the best idea to bring your child to Costco while they're baking fresh goodies. Look at that face.

8. When You Know What's Really Important

Twitter | @ValeeGrrl

Ah, forget those friends that flaunt all their latest exotic travels. You and I know the best trip you can take is to Costco.

9. When You Pick The Wrong Day To Shop

If you read my last Costco article you would know to stay away from shopping there on Sunday. Told you so.

10. When You Got Your Math Wrong

Twitter | @XplodingUnicorn

It doesn't matter how much you spend at Costco it only matters how much you save. Right? Wrong. But keep telling yourself that.

11. Don't Drink And Shop At Costco

Twitter | @sarcasticmommy4

I know it might have seemed like a great idea at the time to have some wine and go to Costco. Wrong again.

12. When They Get You In The End

Twitter | @JAKEGRNR

All those long lines at Costco are just a ploy to get you to finally give in and buy some take-out food.

13. When You're A Cheap Date

Seriously, if you think bringing a date to Costco so she can eat all the free samples is okay, there's something wrong with you.

As much as a find these tweets so hilarious I just can't wait for my next trip to Costco.

Oh, the possibilities are endless. What goodies will they have now?