15 Pics You Genuinely Will Hope Are Legit

I don't know about you, but I stopped expecting the world to make sense a long time ago.

Even still, I run into stuff on the internet every day that blows my mind. If there's one thing that online life is good for, it's keeping you on your toes. Who knows what's real anymore? But I do know one thing — if any of these pics are legit, then humanity still has hope.

1. When your purse has a sole, but you definitely have no soul.

Reddit | alfalfa1985

I can already feel the edges of my sanity tugging loose. Why would you do this? It's good for literally nothing.

2. "Yep, there's your problem. You are literally covered in cacti."

Break | Break

I'm not sure why three EMTs were necessary for this, but with this dude's life decisions, he should probably have an EMT nearby at all times.

3. Don't get me wrong, this thing is cool as hell.

Imgur | DillyDough69

But it looks like the deluxe edition of the "scar your child for life" starter kit. Good luck with the therapy bills.

4. It's not like this won't work or anything, it sorta makes sense.

Imgur | Mufusa

But...why? Where are you that you can't bring perfectly fine flip flops inside with you? Isn't a bike lock more expensive than the sandals?

5. Yeah baby, I'm a gamer 'til the day I die, and maybe not even then.

Reddit | freretoque

Bonus points because this is clearly a child's coffin. That must've been an awkward purchase.

6. There's really just one way that this can get more outrageous, and that's if it's a "down" escalator.

Reddit | porichoygupto

For the discerning clientele who are actually allergic to burning a single calorie.

7. Two things: One, this is horrific and a perversion of nature at its cruelest.

Reddit | mechanichal-animal

Two: Where can I get one, because it's the coolest thing I've ever seen and I can't help myself.

8. Now here's a dude who really knows what it means to suffer for your art.

Imgur | MexicanCatFur

Or at least, that's the closest thing to a reasonable explanation for what's happening here.

9. You'd think that armored up like that, he'd be brave. But no.

Reddit | thelewis564

When the flock of seagulls came, he ran. He ran so far away. But he couldn't get away.

10. I'm not arguing with the idea, but I would really like to know where this is located. 

Facebook | U N D E R - a E S T H E T I C

Can you imagine walking into a restaurant bathroom and seeing this? After you've eaten?

To be fair, there have been times where this invention could've come in handy.

Cinematic | Cinematic

Just because I can't think of any right now doesn't mean that someone out there hasn't needed this in their darkest moment.

11. Heartbreaking, maybe. But as far as I'm concerned, keeping a tiger in a glass box is heartbreaking enough.

Imgur | mylovereadsthis

Also, is that just straight-up Tigger at this zoo? Where is this?

12. Today, we feast.

Reddit | rbards

Unless this is just the opening salvo of the robot apocalypse, in which case it's a trap and don't fall for it! Nice try, you crafty calculators.

13. What's confusing to me is the fact that the kid came home crying about the picture that he had on his phone? Or took a picture of the kid with the hand-thing?

Instagram | @teenagers

What is real anymore?

14. What a storybook romance this would be.

Imgur | 1lear1

Girl texts guy. Girl answers text. Girl dates girl, discovers her true self. Girl writes book. Hollywood adapts screenplay.

This summer, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson stars in "Girl Text."

15. Now, I'm not saying this person actually knew what the secret of happiness is.

Reddit | porichoygupto

But I'm betting that it might be "Affordable Banners, down the street at Walt's Banner Emporium."

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