
Sorry Everyone, But We Were Wrong About The 'Frozen 2' And 'Tarzan' Theory

Well, I guess it's good to admit when you're wrong. And as it turns out, we were wrong about this pretty unlikely fan theory. Apparently, not all Disney movies are linked.

Especially not these two.

We know that 'Frozen' and 'Tangled' are linked in some way.


Because we saw Rapunzel and Flynn at Elsa's coronation, so we know that they exist in the same world at least.

Maybe they're cousins? A diplomatic mission between kingdoms, perhaps?

But what other Disney universes are linked?


Could any of the other Disney princesses be living in the same world?

Maybe we'll see Aurora at the next royal something in Arendelle. Or perhaps Hercules will descend from Mount Olympus to give his divine blessing.

There was a time when we thought that the 'Frozen' and 'Tarzan' worlds were linked.


But there was no possible way that was true. I mean, who would even spend time writing an article about that?

What kind of hack writer would do such a thing?

So there was once a theory about how 'Tarzan' and 'Frozen' were linked.


The theory went on about how Elsa and Anna's parents were marooned on a desert island, had a baby, and then were killed by a jaguar.

Because whoever they were, they were totally wrong.


The fan theory started way back in 2015 when the co-director of the first Frozen said that Anna and Elsa's parents ended up being Tarzan's parents.

He confirmed it, so we ran with it.

However, the producer of 'Frozen 2' came out recently and took the confirmation back.


He said in an interview with Digital Spy:

"It was on Reddit before he even knew what Reddit was. I can clearly, unequivocally state that Tarzan is not involved in the lineage of Anna and Elsa."

But this raises some questions...


Why would he suddenly out of nowhere take this fan theory back? Could it be because Anna and Elsa's parents make an appearance in the new movie?

I am 100% confirming this, and fire and publicly shame me if I'm wrong.

There are other questions as well...


After being questioned about the aforementioned Rapunzel cameo, the aforementioned producer Peter Del Vecho had a couple of things to say on that subject.

A couple of... very interesting things.

He said, and I quote:


"Obviously we're concentrating on the story we're trying to tell. There are a few things as in the first film, maybe not as directly overt as that [Rapunzel cameo in Frozen], but there's a few things in there"

So what could this mean?


Well, obviously we're going to get some sneaky, Pixar-esque cameos in this movie.

Maybe a couple of toys or posters or something in the background, but probably no actual characters.

Alright, so I bet that they meet those enchanted forest people and a couple of the kids have toys that are Disney characters.


Maybe a Sully, or a Nemo, or a Baymax or something.

And then, obviously, we see the parents at some point.


I know for a fact we're going to see the parents with their kids.

However, I have a very strong feeling we'll see them as force ghosts appearing to Elsa.

Who knows? Maybe that horse is supposed to be the spirit of her mom.


Maybe that's why she's having such a hard time getting into the sea. Her mom doesn't want her to go into it, because that's how she died.

Maybe the horse is controlling the ocean?

Which would probably mean...


That her mom had water-related powers, just like Elsa does. Maybe that's where she got her magic from?

Then again, that begs the question: why doesn't Anna have powers?

Maybe she does, and we'll have to wait until this movie to discover them.


Maybe she's the one making all that purple flame, but she just doesn't know it.

Heck, maybe she becomes the villain for this movie. Wouldn't that be interesting, seeing her and Elsa go at it?

'Frozen 2' comes out November 22nd!


So it looks like we'll have to wait until then to find out what really happens.

I doubt Anna becomes the villain, but all those other predictions seem pretty plausible.