
Reporters Flee After Mouse Falls From White House Ceiling Into Journalist's Lap

There's a mouse in the White House. Well actually, there's a bunch. And apparently they're dropping from the ceiling.

If you're anything like me, you sort of operate under the belief that the presidential residence is kept in pristine condition 100% of the time ⁠— no clutter, no dust, and definitely no rodents falling into reporters' laps during a press briefing.

And yet, here we are.

On Tuesday, reporters were gathered in the White House briefing room when an unexpected guest showed up.

According to People, NBC News White House Correspondent Peter Alexander was the unlucky recipient of a mouse to the lap after the rodent inexplicably dropped from the ceiling.

Excuse me for a moment while I shudder profusely because ew.

Alexander shared the news with a video on Twitter showing him and his colleagues reacting to the mouse.

"In other news: A mouse literally fell out of the ceiling in our White House booth and landed in my lap," he first tweeted before posting the video as proof.

Apparently, the 3-inch long rodent dropped from a hole in the briefing room's ceiling, which then led to the whole "lap mouse" incident. And suffice it to say, reporters weren't too keen on staying seated afterwards.

In a hilarious turn of events, some of the journalists actually stuck around to help try and locate the mouse.

NBC reporter Shannon Pettypiece tweeted another video of the scene post-mouse and wrote that this is "the most excitement in the White House briefing room in months."

Which says a lot, considering the recent news coming out of the White House, including Trump's impeachment investigation after he pushed the Ukranian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, who also happens to be Trump's political rival.

Believe it or not, this isn't the first time that a mouse (dead or alive) has been spotted in the press area.

I'm not sure whether it's better or worse that this particular rodent was alive when it fell from the ceiling, but I digress.

Remember that the White House is 200 years old, and with great age comes great character... and also some unwelcome house guests.

Apparently, journalists have previously been warned about the potential of mice, especially when the weather turns cold.

Mice will go indoors in search of warmth, and they don't care if it's your three bedroom bungalow or the official residence of the President of the United States ⁠— they're really not that picky.

According to the Daily Mail, the press wing has a history of rodent problems, and exterminators have previously set up traps to try and remedy this. But I think it's safe to say a few more are needed.

This latest mouse incident comes after several months of the White House refusing to hold press briefings.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said reporters are using the press briefings as an opportunity to "get famous."

Speaking on Fox & Friends, she said briefings have become "a lot of just theater" and cites reporters as being the cause:

"They're writing books now, they're all getting famous off this presidency, so I think it's great what we're doing now."

Trump has actually made negative comments about his workplace in the past.

Earlier this year, he complained about maintenance crews having to fix the White House's inadequate air conditioning system, which he claims was ruined by his predecessor, Barack Obama.

In 2017 he was quoted by Golf as saying the residence is a "real dump", which he has since publicly denied.

h/t: People, Daily Mail, Fox News

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