18 Photos That Prove There's Nothing More Satisfying Than A Deep Clean

Who here gets off on a good clean? Ha, ha! Maybe I'm a bit weird, but I find it so satisfying when I get rid of grime. It's especially true when you tackle a problem you had for a while.

Once the job is done, you can definitely breathe a sigh of relief. Do you know what I mean? I bet the same happened to these people here. Check this out.

1. This Backyard Patio

Can you imagine if you could bring your backyard patio into the original state it was once in, huh? Well, that seems to be the case here. Whoa, I wonder how long it was left neglected. It looked pretty rough, right?

2. This BMW

I think if you drive a BMW, you should do yourself a favor and take care of it better. It's one expensive car to let go into disarray. Do you agree with me? Now we're talking — this looks much better.

3. This Chimney

Who knew that you could powerwash a chimney? I certainly didn't. But once these folks went to town on it, it pretty much looks like new here. Wow. I have to say I'm pretty impressed by this.

4. This Power Washer Job

This is what happens when you let your buddy borrow your power washer, ha, ha! He definitely went to town in this area, huh? I think everybody will appreciate hanging out here from now on.

5. This Wild Patio

If your patio looked like this, I bet you would want to do something about it too. Well, this person's dad finally tackled it, and now it looks the way it should look. Don't you think?

6. This House Job

Our house looks pretty similar to this. Now, that I see how amazing this ended up here, I'm very much inclined to grab a power washer and starting getting the grime off, ha, ha! Do you think I should?

7. This Patio Floor

Oh my goodness. It seems to me that even this three-year-old girl is pretty impressed with the brand new patio floor. I have to admit I would never have guessed the wood was this color. It's quite amazing, huh?

8. These Chairs

Outdoor chairs can surely get pretty dull after some time. That's a fact, people. So it doesn't hurt to give them a nice wash when you suspect that's the case. Look at the difference here. Isn't it so satisfying?

9. This Roof

Who says you can't do anything about the way your roof looks? If you ask me, you can absolutely do it yourself. Check out what this person did here. Aren't you in total awe of this great work, eh?

10. This Fence

You may be thinking, "Why do I need to clean my fence?" Sure, you could ignore the problem, or you can just put your hands to work and discover something beautiful hiding under all that dirt. VoilĂ !

11. This Balcony

It's pretty unbelievable how much dust and grime can accumulate on your balcony. I know something about that, having lived in downtown Toronto. If I have seen a before and after like this, I would have been so satisfied.

12. This Pavement

Is it just me, or do you also can't stand when sand gets in between the grooves of the pavement? It must be the perfectionist in me that doesn't like it, hee-hee. This clean-up is definitely much better.

13. These Headlights

I honestly never would have known that a car's headlights could get so dull over time. All you need to do is give them a nice wash and voilĂ . They look as shiny as they should. Nice.

14. This Pathway

If your backyard pathway looks like this, I'm here to tell you to do something about it. Get that power washer out of the garage and go to it already. It's going to look so great you'll be proud of yourself.

15. This Basketball Court

If you can believe it, this basketball court clean-up job only took 20 minutes. Then the person who took this picture waited for it to dry before showing us these before and after shots. Didn't they do a fantastic job?

16. These Stairs

It must be such a thrill when a homeowner gets to do something like this. After all, the best impression you can make starts with your front door. Don't you think so? I think this looks much better here, no?

17. This Car

How long can a person drive their car for it to get as bad a this, huh? I bet it was a long time. Well, now at least they don't have to contemplate getting a new one, ha, ha!

18. This Walkway

If weeds start to get the better of your walkway, it's time to step in and figure out a way to fix it. This person did, and I can guess they feel pretty good about it. It does look great.

Wow, who knew it would be so satisfying to see people get rid of grime?

Ha, ha! Am I right? These pictures here are giving me so much inspiration to tackle some tough cleaning jobs around our home.

How about you? Are you ready for it, too? What are you going to clean up first?