Reddit | blue_pill_90210

15+ People Who Definitely Have A Point To Make

The beauty of a good pic is how succinct it can be compared with our clumsy attempts at using words to get a message across. Often we can grasp in an instant something from an image that is much more difficult to articulate with words.

And sometimes we need a bit more to go on than what's in a pic, but when it becomes clear, the message couldn't be much more powerful.

The face of perseverance.

Reddit | SoDakZak

It's hard to ask for a more potent message about powering through than this image of a young woman who broke both arms during a triathlon and still finished second in her age group.

Banksy always has a point to make.

Reddit | indipen-dance

And in this case, he's spot on about the rise of the surveillance state.

Mind you, it's kind of ironic that even in a surveillance state, Banksy can still put up large public art pieces without giving away his true identity.

I think this is the intern's way of saying they need more to do in their day.

Reddit | Ostrantula

For the record, the Moon is about a quarter of the size of Earth, so that smaller ball might need a few more rubber bands. Come on, Paul.

As Yelp reviews go, I've seen worse.

Reddit | calculus501

I think what they wanted to get at was that the wings are quite good.

This mom has a message for the anti-vaxxers out there.

Reddit | C_Chris77

And she's pretty unhappy with them, as she has had to have her 9-month-old hospitalized twice and will probably face even more hurdles thanks to measles.

This plaque commemorates Iceland's first loss of a glacier.

Reddit | BurtMacklin84

And as the world warms, the authors of the plaque's message leave a chilling note, saying that only future generations will know if the present generation is up to the task of preventing catastrophe.

Some things are just wonderfully timeless.

Reddit | WhatWasThatLike

Like getting a case of the giggles in front of the camera. It's rare to see in those old-timey pics though, don't you think?

I see what you did there.

Reddit | NewAccountNewMeme

Who doesn't love a good ribbing between neighbors via highway directions?

Traffic warnings aren't usually so adorable.

Reddit | emilyb117

Safety is serious business, but sometimes the lighthearted approach is a better way to get a message across.

Mind you, this is pretty effective, too.

Reddit | TinyFocus

Seeing this coaster at a bar would definitely get me thinking about when to say "when."

Hard to blame a driver for getting confused here.

Reddit | hooked_on_yarn

I'm sure this is an effective metaphor for plenty of things, and is great meme material, but how does that help a driver?

I hear this guy loud and clear.

Reddit | Brownian-Motion

When it's hot out, you can't have too much A/C, and on public transit, that's almost worth bringing your own fan on.

I guess there's one way to test how good this wallet's RFID blocker is.

Reddit | Nekopawed

I mean, if they're going to leave a loss prevention chip inside, it's like asking to test it out, right?

He's just following the evidence.

Reddit | Kemimosewe

And it shouldn't be controversial to stand up for science, but that's the world we live in.

When your bus driver did stand-up in the '90s.

Reddit | blue_pill_90210

It might be outdated as comedy goes, but is it inaccurate?

One of the most powerful uses of Photoshop I've ever seen.

Reddit | waynedewho

This guy was challenged to illustrate his depression and, well, mission accomplished. "Making this was the start of my healing," he said.

Team work making the dream work.

Reddit | IthcyFlyer

He's blind, and she can't walk, but together, they're an unstoppable hiking combo.

This woman stands on the sidewalk and holds up a sign with her message to traffic.

Reddit | YouFooledMe

All she wants is for people to be kind to each other.

This ballerina is out to break down stereotypes.

Reddit | dickfromaccounting

She's inspiring a new generation who might not think that they have access to such a magical future.

One of the finest uses of tech I've ever seen.

Reddit | burritoshake

We take things like FaceTime for granted, but this guy is using it to have a conversation with a friend via sign language.